Human Resources Department

Teacher Evaluation Committee

The teacher evaluation committee met on March 28th to discuss progress with the evaluation tool in Dearborn. Some of the areas of discussion included the following:

1.  A mid year progress report for 1st year probationary teachers and teachers rated ineffective in their year-end evaluation.

2. Timeline for the end of the year evaluation submission. State law allows district to layoff employees for economic reasons at anytime and there does not have to be a 60 day notice. Since evaluations will be a big part of the process of layoff and recall within 2 years, the submission of evaluations must be timely.

3.  The potential use of software to assist with evaluations.  We might consider piloting Stages software in a few buildings to allow for greater efficiency and accountability with evaluations.

4.  Concerns were brought up with the fairness of the process and training for administrators.