Human Resources Department

Substitutes via PESG and the Secretary Committee

We continue to meet with PESG in order to increase the subsitute fill rate and quality. Both the ADSA and DFT unions have participated in the meetings.  We want to let everyone know that there is a process in place to maintain the substitute quality in the schools. However, we know that same quality of instruction will not take place when we have a substitute vs. the full time teacher.  It is also a reality that there is a substitute shortage across the state and the number of students going into the field of education has been reduced.  We hope that Lansing will soon pass legislation to allow us to hire retired teachers as subsitutes.

It is important for everyone to be aware that if there is a problem with a subsitute the employee should report the issue to the building administration. Administration will make a decision and may contact Human Resources to remove the sub from the building. If the same subsitute has issues in multiple buildings then we would remove from the district altogether.

Secretary Committee.

The secretary committee has met two times this year. We are looking at staffing allocation recommendations, modifying testing procedures, and addressing professional development needs. We will soon be sending out a survey to all clerical staff in the school district. The committee consists of representatives from Building Administration, central office, secondary and elementary clerical staff and the DFSE union.

Committee members include: Heyam Alcodray, Ruth Bankhead, Rene Ziaja, Sharon Korhonen, Shelley Dzingle, Fatme Faraj, Kristin Waddell, Marcella Carlesimo, Pam DeNeen, Tery Moslimani, Chuck Baughman, Andrew Denison, and Glenn Maleyko.