Human Resources Department

Gallagher Office Contact New Phone Number.

Welcome to the New Year!  I hope this email finds everyone in great spirits.

This email is to keep you informed with phone number information for the District.  To better serve your employees and fellow union members we have simplified the phone system.

The phone number that individuals should call for information regarding their medical, dental and vision is 888-222-4309 (This is the current toll free number in place).  This will be utilized for all.  This phone number will allow employees to have support through NGE from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday throughFriday.  The Gallagher Office at the DFT building is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed for lunch.  This toll free number has access to the Call Center as well as transfer abilities to the Gallagher Office for NGE support to your staff.

This one step process will be more effective for employees.  This will allow quicker resolution to employee questions and concerns.  Currently staff is calling the local number and whenever NGE staff is with an employee a voice message is left for a return call.  Which starts the phone tag game.  With the new process the majority of issues can be resolved with only one call and have happier results for all.

Phone Numbers:

888-222-4309 = Utilized for DSEHP Support Services



313-982-3292 = Discontinued as of 1-12-15 with intercept service for 90 days providing new number

313-982-3295 = Discontinued as of 1-12-15 with intercept service for 90 days providing new number

313-982-3299 = Fax Number will be discontinued as of 1-12-15


A message will be provided to forward to your employees but wanted to make sure that each of you was also aware of the change in phone numbers.


As always, thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Kim Nicholson

Area Vice President