Human Resources Department

School Visits, Salina Int, River Oaks, Smith, Unis, and Edsel Ford: Plus Marzano and other educational tweets: follow me on Twitter @drmaleyko for all updates

Marzano Research (@MarzanoResearch)
RT @JenSigrist: Great teachers are great, not because they are perfect, but because they always have something else to try @stevebarkley
Secondary Principals (@massp)
“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” – Albert Einstein

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Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D (@DrMaleyko)
Walkthroughs at river oaks elementary with mr. Martin daily 5 and cafe looks good
Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D (@DrMaleyko)
More photos from river oaks a great visit kids were excited about the snow -wonderful students and staff
Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D (@DrMaleyko)
Walkthroughs with mr.casebolt, mr.lawera and mrs.stanley k-12 feeder group salinas and Edsel
Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D (@DrMaleyko)
Restorative practice with bill sower and readers apprenticeship training at Edsel
Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D (@DrMaleyko)
Walkthroughs at Edsel at wonderful school culture is evident – great job to mr.casebolt, staff and students
Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D (@DrMaleyko)
Student council voting at Salina int a greAt civics education – plus historical murals
Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D (@DrMaleyko)
Some pictures of effective instruction at Salina int – a great visit with principal Lawera and the students
Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D (@DrMaleyko)
More instructional pictures from Salina int visit


Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D (@DrMaleyko)
Nice visit to smith today here are some photos thx mr.alabokoff and ms Charles– nice to see former students


Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D (@DrMaleyko)
Sip committee visit at mcollough-unis