Human Resources Department

Stages Implementation District wide 2013-14

Greetings Teachers:

I know that I have sent out previous notices via the HR blog and email regarding our intention to move to an electronic evaluation system.   I want you to be prepared for upcoming training that we are scheduling in August for teachers(Date TBD).  I have asked that principals recruit teachers from each building to take the lead and attend the training. This would be a trainer of trainers’ model as they(building trainers) would then train staff in your building. In addition I am looking into setting up some training dates for administrators. The new system would be web based.

I would like to thank the following staff that piloted the software in their schools this past year, Fordson, DuVall, Stout, Maples, Miller, and Bryant. Individuals that have been directly involved on the implementation team include Youssef Mosallam, Shannon Peterson, Julie Maconochie, Chris Sipperley, Andy Denison, Troy Patterson, Fadia Nahed, Rob Seeterlin, Fatme Faraj, Joanne Oliver, David Hardoin, Mahmoud Abu-rus and Dan Hartley.  They will be part of the stages implementation team district wide. I wanted to give everyone a heads up on this new system as the long term goal will be to create a greater level of efficiency with evaluations with a more enhanced tracking system. We have over 1250 DFT members that receive evaluations and this new system will allow us to go paperless and enhance our Green School Model as a District.

I will get back to you soon with specifics regarding implementation. We understand that there may be some challenges moving forward but based on student count we have over 1/4 of the district already on the new stages system. We anticipate that those schools and the knowledge that they have acquired during implementation as a pilot school will assist us with this important transition.

Thank you.
