Human Resources Department

Teacher Evaluation Committee Meeting and Updates: March 7th, 2013

Listed below are the major points that were discussed at our teacher evaluation committee meeting on March 7th, 2013. Our next meeting is April 17th at 3:15pm.

Present at the meeting were: Mark Palise, Linda Lazar, Andrew Denison, Fatme Faraj, Chris Sipperley, Hassane Jaafar, Chloe Dudzinski, Julia Maconochie, Bill Tucker, Steven Saleh, Shannon Peterson, Gail Shenkman and Glenn Maleyko

  1. We need to implement a weighted formula with 25% of the evaluation that includes Student Growth Data for the 2013-14 school year. The potential formula that includes the 25% of student growth will have building data and individual teacher data. We need to work out a fair formula that includes multiple measures. The state may come out with specific recommendations in June.
  2. We want to move to an electronic tracking/evaluation management system similar to Stages that is currently being piloted in Fordson, Miller, DuVall, Stout, Bryant and Maples.  We will meet on March 27th with the stages users to further discuss this. This system will increase efficiency and effectiveness.
  3. We plan to create more specific attributes that accompany the rubric. Administrators have discussed the need for this in alignment with their teachscape training.
  4. All administrators are receiving an intensive level of training on observation protocol which began during the 2011-12 school year. With the addition of the Danielson Teachscape training they have received an additional level of training that is provided each month by Glenn Maleyko to create an increased level of rater reliability.


In addition, we did not discuss this at the meeting, however, we plan to make it a requirement that a teacher is observed by an additional central office administrator prior to entering the assistance phase of the plan III evaluation process. Once the teacher is placed on the Assistance phase a 2nd additional central office administrator will also observe the teacher.