Human Resources Department

ELL Tuition Grant from WCRESA and Madonna University.

Attention Everyone,
Please see the important message below regarding an opportunity to receive free tuition for ELL classes at Madonna University.  If you have any questions you can contact Ms. Trapp as her contact information is listed below.  If you are interested in applying please inform your direct supervisor. Ms. Rose Aldubaily the Coordinator of the English Language Learners (ELL) department in Dearborn is heading up the recruitment of potential candidates with enrollment in the program.

I hope that you are having a great summer.

Here is the link to the application.

APPLE GRANT Application Form

Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D.
Director of Human Resources
Dearborn Public Schools
18700 Audette,
Dearborn, MI 48124
Ph. 313-827-3068


From: “Trapp, Deborah” <>
Date: July 11, 2012 2:49:02 PM EDT
To: <>
Subject: Wayne RESA Apple Grant Application

Wayne RESA and Madonna University have been awarded a 1.5 million dollar grant that will provide the following:


ü  Teacher Certification and a Bachelor Degree for ELL Para Pros

ü  MATesol Master’s Degree for ELL teachers


This grant provides a FREE – no cost education for ELL para pros and teachers at Madonna University. 


However, there are  limited spaces and it is so important that the Dearborn Public Schools are involved in this exciting opportunity!


If you have questions, please contact me.  If those educators who are interested have questions, please have them contact me.

I have attached a 2 page application form.  Once completed it needs to be submitted to Wayne RESA.




Deborah Trapp

Apple Grant Advisor

(248) 767-1831