Human Resources Department

Student Growth Data discussed by the committee on March 28th

The teacher evaluation committee discussed the following at the March 28th committee meeting relative to student growth data.

We advocate for multiple measures. This will include MEAP, MME, and either common assessments that are valid and reliable or a norm referenced assessment like Terra nova.  The MEAP was not designed to measure growth as it is a criterion referenced assessment. We also want to see some sort of product or performance assessments.

Individual teachers would be measured on student performance in their class along with the overall building score and/or district score as a suggestion.

The state is providing very little direction at this point. We believe that it will be several years before effective and fair valid and reliable measures are put into place. Glenn Maleyko, Chris Sipperley, Kathy Klee, and Gail Shenkman have attended training by the state on Growth.  Glenn has been attending many trainings and using that information for training with administrators. However, where we go with student growth data is still unknown based on attendance at the trainings.

Although not related to student growth, It was also pointed out that administrators will be evaluated on how well they perform their teacher evaluations per the new state legislation.