Human Resources Department

Class News

Charlotte Danielson website link

Here is a link to Charlotte Danielson's website. She provides, reserach, resources and information regarding teacher evaluations.  Our evaluation system is based on much of her research. 

HR May updates

Here are a few updates. 1. We recently sent out a PD survey to all secretaries in the district. This survey will assist us to design and develop professional development opportunities for clerical faculty. 2.  The district teacher evaluation committee will be meeting...

State Certification Link and HQT document

Here is the link to the MDE database that provides individuals with information on teacher certificates including levels and areas of endorsements.  You can type in a specific name to retrieve certificate...

Teacher Evaluation Presentation on May 3rd and 4th

Check out the following link on the HR Presentations and Publications page. There is a powerpoint which you can download to view my presentation(along with the Superintendent's comments) before the General Administrators on May 3rd. A repeat of the presentation will...

Secretary Committee

A secretary committee was formed earlier this year to study issues surrounding clerical positions. Members on the committee include secretaries, administrators, and central office personnel. The committee is nearly finished with specific recommendations. There has...

Danielson Teacher Evaluation Training

Dr.  Shenkman,  Mrs. Maconochie and I attended Danielson observation training at WCRESA on April 3rd and 4th.  Dr. Pam Rosa was the instructor for the training and it is in alignment with the Danielson Framework which is the basis for our evaluation model in Dearborn....