Child Nutrition Services 

We work to create a healthy and nutritious environment that promotes learning and wellness.

Dearborn Public Schools serves nutritious meals every full school day.  The district participates in the Community Eligibility Program under the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s School Lunch Program and offers free lunch and breakfast to most of our kindergarten to 12th grade students, regardless of family income.

salad bar photo

Partnership with SFE

Dearborn Schools proudly began a partnership with Southwest Foodservice Excellence (SFE) on July 1, 2019.  SFE is a culinary-based foodservice management company dedicated exclusively to K-12 nutrition. Focused on nourishing students to reach their highest potential, the company provides superior food with more focus on “fresh-from-scratch,” more menu options and more onsite support than any other K-12 provider.   SFE has partnerships in school districts spread across 15 states serving more than 300 million meals per year.

SFE is committed to the nutritional well-being of every student and staff member in the Dearborn School community, fueling students to reach their highest potential.  In fact, the company brings a fresh, culinary approach that contrasts with that of traditional school cafeterias, where meals are traditionally pre-packaged and highly processed.    

SFE’s fresh approach will feature:  

Superior, fresh-from-scratch food:   Over 75% of SFE’s offered entrees are made fresh-from-scratch.   SFE President Chef Monty Staggs explained: “We seek out the best ingredients, sourcing locally whenever possible and seasoning with real herbs and spices.  We also offer the widest variety of fresh fruits and vegetables of any K-12 provider, including fresh salad bars.  And we present every meal so that it looks as delicious as it tastes.  We really want students to be excited to eat at school–and then ready to learn.” 

More menu choices:   With a collection of more than 3,000 on-trend recipes, SFE is committed to keeping their menus fresh and exciting for students.  They offer the widest variety of custom cuisines in the K-12 industry, and their nutritionally balanced menus are specially created for each district—with plenty of student feedback along the way.  Chef Staggs added, “We want to be sure that every single student can always find foods they love.” 

5-star onsite support:   SFE provides world-class culinary training, along with a dedicated team of culinary, compliance, nutrition, HR and operational professionals for every school.  They work as partners within a school’s food service team with the shared goal to treat each student as a guest.  Dearborn’s dedicated on-site team will work tirelessly to ensure Dearborn students receive the best food possible.

Throughout the school year, SFE also offers nutrition education classes and events that are community-interactive, involving students, staff and parents.  These regular events include health fairs, farmer’s markets, and food demonstrations.  They also include SFE’s own “Roving Chef” program, designed to teach kids about culinary skills and nutrition principles– right in the kitchen, alongside a real chef.   

SFE is proud to be the guardian of the Dearborn Schools Child Nutrition Program and looks forward to working together with the district’s team to “put child nutrition first.” 

Menus & Nutrition Information

Interactive school menus, along with complete nutrition information, are available through Nutrislice (link to Note the website and app can be set to display in Arabic or a number of other languages.

Download the Nutrislice App: 

iPhone (link to

Android (link to

Halal Certification

Dearborn Public Schools ensures all meats served in our schools are certified Halal.  Certificates for our products can be found here.

Dearborn-Halal-Certifications-9.13 (1).pdf

Payment for A la Carte and Adult Meals

While students will not need money to buy meals, schools will continue to offer individual items for sale in their cafeteria such as milk and snacks.  Students will need money in hand or in their student account to buy those items.  Money can be send via cash or check with your child to school.  To check their account balance, log into your ParentConnect (hyperlink) account.

Adult Meal Prices:

Breakfast: $2.70 + tax
Lunch: $5.25 + tax

Special Dietary Needs

If your child has special dietary needs, changes can be made to your child’s school breakfast and/or lunch at no extra charge, with the proper documentation from a physician. If your child has special dietary needs, please use this form:
Special Dietary Needs Form: Click to download


Staff directory


Our foodservice team at Dearborn Public Schools is top notch! Looking for a fulfilling career with an opportunity to make a difference in your community? We are hiring team members for our department at various locations. No experience? No problem!

Qualified candidates can expect:

  1. Part-time hours (4 to 6 hours/day)
  2. Summers, nights, weekends and holidays off
  3. Health and retirement benefits
  4. A fun, team environment

It is the policy of Dearborn Public Schools not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, age, religion, past or present military service, family medical history or genetic information as required by federal or state law.

Contact us! 

Child Nutrition Services
18700 Audette St
Dearborn, MI 48124
Phone: 313-827-3065

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