Human Resources Department

Erin Mcingvale

Welcome to iBlog

Welcome to iBlog Teacher Websites Sites. This is your brand new classroom website.  There are some things you should do to get started.  Hopefully you have been following the Getting Started Tutorial.  It is important that you edit your profile so that you can choose...

CEO software in HR

CEO software Upgrade and the Creation of Electronic Personnel Files We are in the process of eliminating paper personnel files in the HR department. This process started in October of 2012 and it will take 1-2 years for the full conversion. By moving to an electronic...

Administrator Evaluation Presentation

Here is the link to the presentation that was provided by Andy Denison and Glenn Maleyko on November 26th, 2012 regarding Administrator Evalutions in Dearborn.  All evaluation documents are also on the district website....

Administrator Teacher Evaluation Training: Teachscape

Teachscape On-Line Professional Development Training Module. The state of Michigan requires that all administrators are trained in Teacher Evaluations per the legislation that was passed in the summer of 2011.  With the support of the Superintendent, I have been...