Human Resources Department

MCEE committee report- We will hold off on implementing stages district-wide.

We have made a decision to continue to pilot Stages in the 6 schools but we will not move to the system for all district schools during the 2013-14 school year. With the MCEE report that was recently published we believe that it would be prudent to wait for the final approval from the state.  If we did not make this decision it is possible that we might be forced to switch models within a year(or less) and thus have faculty trained in two different systems. Thus we are going to cancel the training for August 21st and August 28th with Stages.   Once we hear from the state regarding final recommendations for one model, we might in-fact still choose to use Stages for the subsequent school year. We definitely like the system overall based on the feedback that I have received. The work that the pilot schools have done will be valuable to us regardless of what the state adopts as the model because we acquired a lot of experience with the integration of technology in evaluations.

Here is a link to an executive summary for the MCEE report. . You can also download the full MCEE report at this link.