Human Resources Department


We understand that it can be difficult to find funding for programs, events, or projects that can enhance students’ classroom experiences.  We are excited to send you information regarding The Meemic Foundation, a non-profit organization created by Meemic Insurance Company.  The Meemic Foundation has been providing financial assistance in the form of grants to schools and educators since 1992.  During that time, the Foundation has impacted more than 1.5 million students through its financial support of education initiatives.


Currently the Foundation is accepting grant applications through the end of June for funding up to $2,500 for fall 2013 programs!  We encourage you to send the attached email to the educators in your school (following the instructions attached) so that they can learn more about these funding opportunities and how easy it is to apply through our website,


Over the years, we have had the pleasure of providing funding to some of the most creative and passionate teachers in the world.  Their stories inspire us to continue funding projects that affect our students and support the educational communities that we proudly serve.  Any questions regarding our Foundation can be directed to

meemicInstructions for sending 2013 Grant email

Thank you for all you do!

The Meemic Foundation for the Future of Education