Human Resources Department

Teacher Evaluation Committee Meeting April 25th


Listed below are the major areas of discussion from the April 25th 2013 Teacher Evaluation Committee Meeting.

1. The State has not provided direction regarding growth measure. Recommendations are supposed to come out in June of 2013. Glenn spoke to Dr. Ball from the MCCE committee who stated that they are looking at changing the rating scale and the timeline for implementation of growth data.

2. We will ask all curriculum committees to come up with recommendations regarding potential assessments for growth measurement.

3. Attendance will be factored into the evaluation under communication and professional responsibilites, we will create a new area in the rubric.

4. Beginning with the 2013-14 school year Plan II Year end evaluations will be due in HR by May 15 as a result of the new tenure legislation. Evaluations will be a basis for layoff and recall per state law.

5. Administrators will take the current rubric and will come up with a specific list of examples at the administrative retreat in June.

6. Talked about increased Harassment complaints. Most are related to performance evaluations. This does not fit with the right process. There is a new HR webpage that outlines the process when someone does not like an evaluation.

7. In order for an employee to be moved to the Assistance Phase of the Plan III Evaluation process, a second administrator from central office must observe the teacher prior to be moved to that phase. After being placed on the assistance phase additional administrators will also observe the teacher including the Superintendent.