Human Resources Department

HR Updates, Electronic Evaluations and The Staffing process


We are in the process of working towards the possibility of converting all teacher evaluation documents into a web based system for all DFT members. We are piloting the electronic model in six schools (Fordson, DuVall, Maples, Miller, Stout, and Bryant).  Administrators and teachers from the pilot school will provide support during the transition. This possibility is still tentative as we need to work through the appropriate district level approval process and factor in budgetary issues.  The move to this model will provide us with more efficiency with the implementation of teacher evaluations and it will provide Human Resources with an increased ability to monitor and oversee the entire process throughout the district. The teacher evaluation committee (which includes DFT, ADSA, and Central office representation) along with the ad-hoc committee of administrators from the Stages pilot schools and Chris Sipperley have been part of this process and subsequent recommendation.

More information is forth coming but we do plan to provide training to employees via a trainer of trainer’s model by training one or two individuals from each building who would in turn train teachers in their buildings.
Staffing Process

Layoff, Recall and Placement Decisions will soon change since the state has implemented legislation mandating that they are prohibited subjects of bargaining. We are in the process of getting the draft policy approved via the board of education policy committee and subsequent board of education approval process for policy implementation. Thus staffing decisions for the upcoming school year will not be finalized until the month of June.  Members will have the ability to transfer into primary vacancies but there will be new criteria for placement of teachers pending board approval. HR will continue to work with the DFT in collaboration in order to ensure a smooth implementation of new staffing procedures. However, we appreciate the patience of faculty members since this process will be new for all of us.