Human Resources Department

Teacher Evaluation Goals Clarification

Hello Everyone,

This blog post will clarify some of the recommendations regarding the development of teacher evaluation goals. These recommendations have been previously discussed and promoted by the teacher evaluation committee.

1.  We recommend two to three goals in total per faculty member.  It is required that you align your goals with the building school improvement plan. We do not recommend more than 2 to 3 goals as having too many goals would actually be less effective and provide for an inability to focus professional performance. However, as mentioned in a blog post on September 24th by the teacher evaluation committee, teachers are not limited to being evaluated on just the goals. All standards of effective teaching are part of the overall evaluation regardless of the goals and all individuals in the school are also responsible for involvement in the School Improvement Plan. Here is the link to the referenced blog post.

2. In some cases there might be an exception where individuals have four goals instead of 2-3. In that case they would have two professional growth goals and two student achievement goals. However, if 4 total goals were used then the growth goal and student achievement goal should be totally aligned and support each other directly with both the implementation of strategies and collection of data.

3.  We recommend a joint process where the teacher and administrator dialogue together regarding the goals. As mentioned, aligning them to the SIP process is an effective development model. The self evaluation using the Standards for Effective Teaching rubric should also be used to help determine goals. However, per state legislation the administrator does have the right to develop and implement the goals if a consensus is not reached after seeking teacher input.

4. We appreciate the hard work and the positive dialogue that has been occurring as teachers and administrators work together with the formulation of effective goals.  Here is a link to the HR evaluation page. You can scroll down to view sample goals.

Glenn Maleyko, Director of Human Resources    Chris Sipperley, DFT President

Supported by the Teacher Evaluation Committee.