Human Resources Department

Teacher Evaluation Committee Meeting September 18th and Evaluation Timeline.

Listed below are the general notes from the September 18th, teacher evaluation committee meeting.  Members present include Chris Sipperley, Hassane Jaafar, Julie Maconochie, Steve Saleh, Fatme Faraj, Jill Chochol, Shannon Peterson, and Glenn Maleyko

  • We first went over Stages and the online system. As previously mentioned in a blog post we will pilot this software in 6 schools. The launch will occur soon.
  •  We talked about timelines and credibility. Making sure that things are done effectively.
  • Teachers can be evaluated on all standards and elements.
  • Talked about Student Data and how that will look moving forward. We are not confident based on what we are hearing from the pilot districts. We are waiting for the state to provide direction.


  • The Timeline will be posted on the blog. Please scroll Down.
  • A self evaluation must be completed by teachers and brought to the goal meeting (this is will not be part of the personnel file but it should be shared with the administrator).
  • It is recommended that teachers  keep a notebook with the standards and throw evidence in the book. Ex. Similar to the plan I portfolios.
  • We discussed whether or not a pre-conference form is needed for Plan II teachers. At this time we do not have one but teachers can request a conference.
  • Moving forward we want a combination of scheduled observations and those that are surprise observations. We also want to implement routine walkthroughs for evaluations.
  • We discussed the student data piece and that we are waiting on direction from the state. Stages allows for a weighting system that we will look at although we will not officially use it this year.  We will just analyze the data. We discussed a specific rating system, we have left it open for flexibility. Next year we will have to move to a more specified system.
  • Teachers should be aware of the building initiatives and should have goals aligned with building and district initiatives while allowing for individual flexibility
  • Teachers may be evaluated on all standards and elements during the year even if they are not reflected in the teacher goals.
  • After the 1st year we have all learned a lot and things will get better with the timeline and with moving forward. We all want effective and fair evaluation


Evaluation Timelines Dearborn Public

Schools Guidelines for Teachers

Plan I Probationary Years one and two

Multiple Formal Observations (minimum of two) each year (recommended prior to March 15)

Recommended timeline

Prior to 10/1 –   Administrator distributes forms and reviews expectations,portfolio collections, and evaluation timelines with all probationary. Administrator meets with each teacher individually to develop an  Individual Development Plan. Complete Self-Assessment.

Prior to 12/15 – First required formal observation must be completed.

Prior to  3/15 –  Second formal observation must be completed.

Prior to  4/30 –  The Year End Evaluation must be completed.

Plan I Probationary Years Three, Four and Five.

Multiple Formal Observations – (Minimum of two) prior to March 15

 Individual Development Plan

The teacher and administrator will review and revise the Individual Development Plan in the areas of instruction, content, management, and professional development.

Recommended Timeline

10-1 – Formulate IDP : Complete Self-Assessment

12/15 – The first formal observation must be completed.

Prior to 3/15 – The second formal observation must be completed.

Prior to 4/30 – The Year End Evaluation must be completed.

Plan II Evaluations

Recommended Timeline

11-15- Initial Meeting to set goals: Complete Self Assessment

4-30- Multiple Formal Observations – (Minimum of two, it is recommend that the first formal observation should be completed by January 15th)

5-31- Year end evaluation must be completed.