Human Resources Department

HR Technology for Files and Evaluations

We have worked hard all summer in order to prepare to pilot a new software program for teacher evaluations. The software will provide for a more effective and efficient way to implement teacher evaluations and it is totally web based and secure.  We are using our own evaluation document but will use the software to support implementation.  The six schools that will pilot the Stages software for the 2012-13 school year include. Fordson, Duvall, Miller, Stout, Bryant and Maples. We hope to bring the entire district over to an electronic system in the 2013-14 school year. In addition Mr. Troy Patterson has created a pilot with ilearn and we are looking to implement that software in at least 2 schools.

We also plan to convert all HR files to an electronic system. We are using CEO software and hope to have this conversion completed within a year.