Human Resources Department

Evaluation Committee 12/10/15 Meeting Summary

The district evaluation committee meeting was held on December 10, 2015.  A list of attendees and a summary of topics with outcomes follows.  The next meeting is scheduled for February 10, 2016 at 3:00pm.

Members in attendance:  Mahmoud Abu-Rus, Roni Abdulhadi, Dana Addis, Maysam Alie-Bazzi, Wanda Beydoun, Martha Burch, Jill Chochol, Wyatt David, Andy Denison, Fatme Faraj, Hassane Jaafar, Linda Lazar, Shannon Peterson, Colleen Schumm, Rob Seeterlin, Christine Sipperley   

Members not present:  Kamel Bazzi, David Hardoin, Christine Rosbury, Marwan Salamey, Steve Saleh, Kristi Waddell


Highly Effective Ranking for Year-End Evaluation – Guidelines

This was applied last year.  The committee aligned the language used with the Danielson Framework Rubric.  

If a teacher is rated overall as HE, the following conditions must apply:

  1. Receive a HE rating in Domain 3: Instruction plus at least two other domains
  2. No ineffective components can be present
  3. Receive a HE or Effective in all components
  4. The majority of components in a Domain must be highly effective in order to receive a highly effective rating in that Domain.

Effective 2016-17:  The “unscheduled observation” explanation.  

The law states, “Unless a teacher has received a rating of effective or highly effective on his or her 2 most recent annual year-end evaluations, there shall be at least 2 classroom observations of the teacher each school year.  Beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, at least 1 observation must be unscheduled.”

Question:  If a Plan II teacher is only receiving one formal observation, is it scheduled or unscheduled?

All Plan I teachers = minimum 2 formal observations, 1 unscheduled beginning 2016-17

Plan II teachers requiring 2 formal observations, 1 unscheduled beginning 2016-17

Plan II teachers who only require 1 formal observation, per the evaluation committee the one formal observation should be scheduled in conjunction with a minimum of two unscheduled walk-throughs.

Evaluating Teachers After an Extended Leave

Question:  After a teacher returns from an extended leave (FMLA) OR isn’t hired until mid-year, how many observations are required?  Answer:  One formal and two or more walkthroughs.  

Overall Ranking of Domains

Question:  What would the year-end ranking be for a teacher that has a few components ranked “minimally effective” and the majority of components ranked “effective” for a Domain?  Answer:  The overall ranking for the Domain would be the majority of the component rankings.  Example:  4 out of 6 components are ranked as effective and 2 are ranked as minimally effective.  The domain ranking would be effective.

Teachscape “Scoring” Feature & Year-End Evaluations

Scoring components throughout the year does NOT impact the year-end evaluation.  After referencing the observations from the entire year, evaluators will manually rank components (first section) and rank the student growth goal (2nd section).  

Aligning “Artifacts” – Quick Reference Rubric

Fatme Faraj provided a “Quick Reference Rubric” to assist teachers and administrators to align artifacts to the Danielson Framework.   

Artifacts may be uploaded under the year-end section on Teachscape OR under the artifact section located below each formal observation tab.  

Walkthroughs & Teachscape

Sub-Committee:  Dana Addis, Martha Burch, Jill Chochol, Fatme Faraj, Linda Lazar, Shannon Peterson

This committee will pilot the walkthrough feature available via Teachscape and inform the evaluation committee of their findings at the next meeting.  This information will be used to determine whether the Teachscape Walkthrough form will be implemented district-wide or if each level will develop a form.  Maysam Alie-Bazzi will inform the sub-committee when this feature has been activated and is available for exploration.

Ancillary & Other Staff Rubrics for 2016-2017

  • The SE department developed OT, PT, SW, SPL, PSYCH rubrics aligned with the Danielson framework, which are currently being implemented.
  • Counselors – The Danielson Counselors’ Rubric will be used for 2016-17.
  • Interventionists / Resource Teachers / Instructional Coaches – Linda Lazar will identify applicable components from the Danielson general teacher rubric.  Feedback from teachers in these positions will be solicited prior to evaluation committee approval.
  • Media Specialists – Shannon Peterson will work with Troy Patterson and media specialists to identify applicable components from the Danielson teacher rubric and add other measures as necessary.
  • Graduation Interventionists – Possibly use applicable components from the counselor rubric.
  • Parent Educator – Possibly use applicable components from the general teacher Danielson rubric.