Human Resources Department

Senate and House Pass Separate bills on Evaluation and it will now go to committee

Please be aware that separate bills on teacher and administrator evaluation have passed in the Michigan House and Senate.  Now we have to wait for negotiations in committee.  Nothing has been finalized yet but I wanted to give everyone an update on the growth measures. I received this information from WCRESA.

Senate Bill 817 (Pappageorge)
  • For the 2014-15 school year, a district will measure student growth in the teacher’s annual evaluation using whatever assessment is in place in your district now. No specific percentage of student growth is mandated; (meaning you can use 1% up to 100% of their total evaluation score on student growth if you want.)
  •  Beginning in 2015-16 and 2016-17, 25% of the eval must be based on student growth
  • In 2017-18 and beyond, 40% of the evaluation must be based on student growth
House Bill 5223 (O’Brien)
  • Beginning in 2014-15,  25% of the evaluation must be based on student growth, but no state data will be used ( that’s because there is no state data!!) So, again, you can use whatever current evaluation instrument you have that measures student growth.
  • For 2015-16,  25% must be based on student growth and here’s where it gets tricky: 50% of that student growth score for tested grades & subjects must be based on state data. In other words, 12.5% of the teacher’s eval will be based on the state test – the other 12.5% will be based on your data that measures student growth ( what  you used in 2014-15). Same holds true for the 2016-17 school year.
  • In 2017-18, 40% of the eval will be based on student growth.
  • Student growth percentages also apply to special education teachers
The O’Brien bill has more components, but until it is scheduled to move in the Senate, there’s no sense bothering you with all of that!
I know how confusing this is, so below is the 10 page bill summary of HB 5223 & HB 5224 ( Administrators evaluation bill)