Human Resources Department

Teachscape Training and the Danielson 2013 rubric

Hello Everyone,
As previously posted and sent out via email, we are moving to the Teachscape model and Danielson 2013 rubric for teacher evaluations. The shared document that was sent out via a google shared email provides a full example of the 2013 rubric that we will use next year. In addition, we have been busy planning for the conversion to Teachscape/Danielson web based evaluation tool for the 2015-16 school year.

Here is the tentative plan:

On August 25th or 26th all administrators will be trained on the Teachscape Reflect Evaluation system. All administrators have already been trained (or for the new administrators they are in the process of being trained)on the Teachscape evaluation Focus module. This includes two 3 hour exams that must be passed which is in addition to hours of on-line training.

On September 3rd administrators will choose 1 to 2 teachers per building that will be trained in Teachscape. They will then implement a trainer of trainer’s model and go back to their buildings to train all faculty on the new system. This will be done during faculty meetings or late start meetings. On October 16th some specific time will be allocated for training.

In addition, here is the link to a recent blog post regarding the 5% district growth percentage.