
Dearborn Public Schools is a great place for your child to flourish and grow! We welcome all students in kindergarten through 12th grade who reside within Dearborn Public Schools boundaries.  Paid preschool and free GRSP preschool is also available for families.  Learn more about our district and our programs on this page.

Our Vision

Students First – Inspire, Educate, Celebrate

Our Mission

Dearborn Public Schools will provide an exceptional learning environment that empowers every student to succeed in life today and in the future.

A mother snaps a photo and a father watches as two young students pose in front of the Howard Elementary School sign on the first day of school in August 2022.

About us

Third largest district in the state

Dearborn Schools has 37 schools, ranging from neighborhood elementaries to specialized middle and high schools.  Having a large district means we can offer unique programs ranging from a Montessori-style elementary to a variety of career programs for high school students.  We even have our own Dearborn Virtual K-12 for students who want to learn all online with others from our community.

96 percent high school graduation rate

District-wide 96 percent of our student graduate high school.  This is among the highest rates in the state for a large school district.

Six National Blue Ribbon Schools Awards

STEM Middle School (again in 2024), Haigh Elementary (2021), Henry Ford Early College (2021), Charles A. Lindbergh Elementary (2019), STEM Middle School (2018) and Iris Becker Elementary (2017) were all recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as National Blue Ribbon Schools.

Learn more on our Blue Ribbon Schools page.  Yeah, we have so many they get their own webpage.


Starting elementary school is an exciting time for your child and your family!  Rest assured you are leaving your child in great hands with us.  All of our schools provide a safe, nurturing environment where your child can learn and grow.

Who can enroll?

Any child who lives in Dearborn Public Schools and will turn 5 years old by Sept. 1 can enroll in kindergarten.

Children who will turn 5 before Dec. 2 can also enroll if their parent signs a waiver, but we would encourage those families to consider one of our free Young 5s programs or GSRP preschool, which is free, with priority given to at-risk families.

Why Dearborn Schools?

Dearborn Schools offers a great elementary school close to wherever you live!

Our 20 neighborhood elementaries all offer low-class sizes lead by highly-qualified teachers.  The district averages 21 students per class for kindergarten to second grade and about 23 per class for grades three to five.

Music, art and gym are offered, and students visit the school library weekly. Reading intervention is provided to any student who needs the extra assistance.

All our schools also regularly celebrate student successes through special activities like PBIS events (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support).

Looking for something different? The district also offers a Montessori-style program at Howe Montessori and Center Based Education.  The program is free for kindergarten to fifth grade who are selected.  Paid preschools is also available.  Learn more on the Howe School page.

The district also offers online only option through the Dearborn Public Schools Virtual K-12.  Students in kindergarten through high school who live outside the district but still in Wayne County can also enroll in Virtual K-12.

Get to know your school

Most students will attend the elementary closest to them.   Visit our school attendance area map to see which building that would be for your family.

Each elementary school will hold a Kindergarten Roundup in April 2025 to help families learn more about their school and their program.  A full list of dates will be published on our First Bell website.

Missed your roundup? Visit the school’s website. Most schools will post information there.  Find the list of school websites.

Ready to enroll?

 You can start enrollment for your child on our Enrollment webpage.  Note, enrollment is not complete until the district receives all the required documents.

Students must live with a parent or legal guardian in Dearborn Public Schools to enroll in the district.  Our Virtual K-12 and Henry Ford Early Colleges are the only district schools that accepts students who do not live within the district.  Students must still reside in Wayne County, MI.

Contact Student Services at 313-827-3005 if you have questions.

Focus Area 1: Teaching and Learning

Goal 1: Maintain a high graduation rate and meet annual proficiency and growth targets in pre-K through 12th grade as set by the state accountability system.



Who will do what to REACH this goal


How will we know it’s happening



Accountability (who) 

Strengthen the Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) process districtwide by Implementing: 

  • specially designed instruction for subgroups
  • a well-documented Mulit-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) process
  • SIP walkthroughs
  • Building PD Calendar – SIP all schools folder

SE and EL Directors

Executive Directors



Provide a Guaranteed and viable curriculum through common resources aligned to grade level rigor

  • Chart of district curriculum resources by grade level/subject
  • Pacing guide
  • Essential Learnings
  • K-12 progression of course offerings to support college and career readiness 

Curriculum Consultant

Committee Co-chairs

Executive Directors 


Incorporate Disciplinary Literacy practices in all schools

  • Increased STEAM Activities that support disciplinary literacy

Curriculum Consultant

Science Coordinators



Goal 2: Increase career readiness through Career Development Education as measured by AP coursework, industry certifications and dual enrollment



Who will do what to REACH this goal


How will we know it’s happening




Implement career development education- Use MI model for career  development:

  • ES – incorporate career awareness by introducing various types of careers 
  • MS – incorporate career exploration activities in all middle schools
  • HS – Develop college and career paths for every student through high school academies
  • Employability skills: college and career life/soft skills. Academy model
  • Create a middle school career exploration course
  • evidence in building SIP Plans
  • number of students entering high-need industry areas upon graduation; 
  • reduced number of students taking remedial coursework in college; 
  • successful completion of college.
  • SIP Plan

Building administrators


Executive Directors

Revise My Learning Plan to align with Michigan’s Educational Development Plan 

Committee documented revision 

Implementation evidence from SIP


Building Administrators

Executive Directors

Develop and employ a program that provides each student with a designated adult or peer who will support

each student in his/her course(s) who will function as a single point of contact and advocate for student success.


Data to support Goal 2:  (measures of achievement: AP enrollment and test pass rates, industry certifications, purposeful dual enrollment numbers toward degree, collect data in regards to college acceptance and year 13 success rate, university feedback (How are the kids doing in the 1sr year of college and beyond? GPA, skills for college success, drop out)

Goal 3: Strengthen positive relationships and student leadership to improve discipline and attendance and decrease bullying.



Who will do what to REACH this goal


How will we know it’s happening




Incorporate SEL activities at each level

SIP Visits

Building artifacts (ex. Care2Core, Leader in Me, etc.)

Affective Education Coordinator

Executive Directors

School Administrator

Director of Special Education 

Implement behavioral intervention strategies at each building 

Behavioral Intervention Model Artifacts (examples Leader in Me, PBIS, Restorative Practices, etc)

attendance, discipline records..etc, specifically reduction in truancy and suspension rates

Affective Education Coordinator

Executive Directors

School Administrator

Director of Special Education 

Provide timely and relevant professional development on current issues (Trauma informed instruction, Vaping, culturally responsive teaching, restorative practices, social media impact)

PD Calendar

General Admin Agenda

Affective Education Coordinator

Executive Directors

School Administrator

Director of Special Education 


Data to support Goal 3:  (SEL Surveys, Discipline Data, Bullying Data, Attendance Data)


Free GSRP preschool

The Great Start Readiness Program is a state-sponsored preschool that is free to families.  In years past, families had to meet income criteria to qualify, but the state is expanding the program as it moves towards universal preschool.  Most families are now eligible.

Tell me more about GSRP?

GSRP uses curriculum aligned with the National Early Childhood Standards and Michigan State Board of Education, Early Childhood Standards of Quality.

Classrooms have a maximum of 16 students with a lead teacher and certified parapro.  The district has slots for more than 600 GSRP students.

Students attend a full day of classes Monday through Thursday.  Times vary slightly by building, but are similar to elementary times.

GSRP focuses on kindergarten readiness. In addition to learning academics like letters and colors, GSRP students learn how to get along with other children, how to take care of themselves, and other skills they will need to thrive in kindergarten. 

Can my child attend?

To enroll in GSRP, children must be 4 years of age by December 1 and live in Dearborn Public School district. Preference is given to students who will turn 4 by Sept. 1, since those students will be ready to start kindergarten the following year.

Traditionally, families had to qualify for GSRP based on income, but the state is working to expand free preschool to all children over the next few years.  For 2025-26 school year, Dearborn Public Schools is encouraging all families with a child the correct age to apply. Applications will be available starting April 26, 2025.

The district also offers paid preschool programs at several locations.  See our Developmental Preschool page for more information.

Where is GSRP offered?

The largest number of GSRP classrooms is at the Cotter Early Childhood Center, 13020 Osborn St., Dearborn, but 14 other schools also house GSRP classrooms.

Those locations include:

  • Becker Elementary
  • DuVall Elementary
  • Geer Park Elementary
  • Henry Ford Elementary
  • Long Elementary
  • Lowrey Elementary
  • McCollough Elementary
  • McDonald Elementary
  • Oakman Elementary
  • River Oaks Elementary
  • Salina Elementary and Intermediate
  • Whitmore-Bolles Elementary
  • William Ford Elementary

How to register

GSRP registration starts on April 25, 2025 and is run through our Cotter Early Childhood Center.

You can learn more about when and how to apply on the Cotter School webpage.

Young 5s Kindergarten

Young 5s is a transitional year for students who may be technically old enough to start kindergarten, but would benefit from another year to grow socially and emotionally.  The program is free to district students.

Who is eligible for Young 5s?

Young 5s is offered for children who turn five years old between June 15 and December 2nd or who need the time and opportunity to continue building their skills and abilities.  Their time in Young 5s Kindergarten will help them succeed in kindergarten, become leaders in the classroom, and confidently navigate the school day routine.

What is Young 5s?

Young 5s is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten.  It gives young learners a head start and provides them with an opportunity to grow in an environment that is tailored to meet their academic and social needs.

Students who attend Young 5s will proceed to kindergarten the next year at their home elementary school.

The average class size for Young 5s is 12 students.

Learn more in our Young 5s brochure for 2025-26.  (Flier coming soon in Arabic)

Where is this offered?

For the 2025-26, we plan to offer Young 5s at Geer Park, Henry Ford, Lindbergh, Maples, McCollough, and Salina.

How to enroll

Parents are encouraged to attend kindergarten roundup at their home elementary school and enroll at that school.

If there is no Young 5s classroom at their home school, or if there is no space in that program, the school will refer the family to a different building with a Young 5s program and have the child added to the request list at that school.

Available slots are released to parents from other schools in early June on a first-come, first-served basis.

The request list will be maintained until the start of school as changes often occur over the summer.

Other students

Dearborn Public Schools is a great choice even if your child started school somewhere else.  Our vision of Students First means our focus stays on what is best for your child.  Because we realize each child is unique, we offer a wide variety of programs so your child can find what interests them.

Middle and high school orientations 2025

Our high schools and middle schools typically hold orientations in the spring to give students and parent more information about what will become their new school in the fall.

Presentations target sixth graders at middle school and ninth graders at high school, but they provide good information for any incoming students.  See our enrollment area maps to discover which school your child would attend.

High schools

Dearborn High – April 30 from 6 to 8 p.m.

Edsel Ford High – April 3 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Fordson High – May 21 at 4 p.m.

Henry Ford Early College – May 20 at 3:30 p.m.

Middle schools

Bryant – April 24 at 6 p.m.

Lowrey – May 7 at 10 a.m.

Salina Intermediate – May 9 at 2:30 p.m. (Note this school starts in 4th grade)

Smith – May 8 at 6 p.m.

STEM – May 6 – Invited students and parents see your email for details

Stout – May 6 at 5 p.m.

Unis – May 15 at 10 a.m.

Woodworth – May 1 at 9:30 a.m.

Virtual K-12 all grades

April 4 at 11 a.m. via Zoom.

Note, Virtual K-12 is an online only school open to any student in Wayne County from kindergarten through high school. See the school website for more information.

Diplomas and degrees

Through a close partnership with our sister organization Henry Ford College, Dearborn Public Schools is able to offer four schools and programs that allow students to get both a high school diploma and an associate degree or trade certification in five years.  These programs are free to the family including tuition and books.   Whether your child wants to go straight into a high-demand career after high school or wants a free head start on college, these programs are a good option.

Explore these options on our Programs page.

Note, the three Henry Ford Early College programs are also open to students who live in Wayne County outside of Dearborn Public Schools.  All students must apply to HFEC during the winter of their eighth grade year.  Applications were due by Feb. 3, 2025.

Career exploration

All three of our traditional high schools – Fordson, Dearborn High and Edsel Ford – use a Career Academies model to help students explore careers from trades to advanced degrees.

Students also can explore careers directly with classes ranging from AP Computer Science to criminal justice to construction through the Michael Berry Career Center.

Students interested in STEM fields may want to be part of the Dearborn Center for Math, Science and Technology in high school or our selective STEM Middle School.

Curriculum counts

Want to learn more about our curriculum?  Please visit our curriculum page.

Online only learning

We offer the Dearborn Public Schools Virtual K-12 for students from kindergarten through high school who want an online learning experience.  Students have live lessons with district teachers and participate with classmates from the Dearborn Schools community in an all online setting.

To learn more about the school and see if it may be a good fit for your child, visit the Virtual K-12 website.  Note, students already enrolled in the district need to signup in the spring to transfer to VK-12 the next school year.

Dearborn Virtual K-12 is also open to students in kindergarten through high school who live outside of the Dearborn Public Schools district but still in Wayne County.



Dearborn Public Schools enrollment is open year round to students who live with a parent or guardian inside the district.

If you know your child will be starting with us next school year, enrolling in the spring ensures we have staff and supplies ready for them when school opens.

To start enrollment for your student, please visit our enrollment page.