Our Vision

Students First – Inspire, Educate, Celebrate

Our Mission

Dearborn Public Schools will provide an exceptional learning environment that empowers every student to succeed in life today and in the future.


To our Dearborn Community,

It is my honor to share with you the work of dozens of diverse stakeholders throughout our community. Together this group spent months formulating a Strategic Plan to ensure our district remains a leader in education. We started by analyzing data, comparing ourselves to similar districts in test scores, budget, staffing, and enrollment. We examined areas of strength, and we identified areas where the district will focus its energies in the next three years. Then we trusted our professional staff to develop the roadmap to attain the standards of excellence our community expects of the Dearborn Public Schools.

Through this process, we will maintain our vision and mission statements that continue to be a call to action.

Our Vision

Students First – Inspire, Educate, Celebrate

Our Mission

Dearborn Public Schools will provide an exceptional learning environment that empowers every student to succeed in life today and in the future.

This school district is part of a growing, vibrant area built upon quality education and outstanding city services. New schools, housing, and retail development complement the existing infrastructure to provide residents with a safe, stable community. Each and every one of our schools is a great place for your child to receive their education.

The district offers programs and services to meet the needs of all students as you will see in this document. To find out more, please contact the school in your neighborhood or the Administration Office at 313-827-3006. Thank you for taking the time to review our Strategic Plan for the future of the Dearborn Public Schools.

Dr. Glenn Maleyko


Our Commitments

Staff Commitments to Students

  • Prioritize a student centered mindset for every decision.   
  • Prioritize the safety and well-being of ALL students.
  • Differentiate instruction to meet the needs of every learner.
  • Celebrate ALL students. 
  • Promote lifelong learning skills focusing on academic and social emotional learning. 
  • Foster a supportive environment that promotes strong relationships among staff, students, and families.
  • Educate with purpose to empower students by exposing them to many different career opportunities through field experiences and employability skills.
  • Implement Educational Development Plans (EDP) to help students establish educational/personal career goals.
  • Maintain learning environments where all students feel valued, supported, and safe.
  • Establish highly functional systems District-wide to ensure high expectations, equitable access to opportunities, resources, and curriculum for all students.
  • Create a culturally responsive environment in which all students see themselves in curriculum, celebrations and community partnerships.
  • Leverage new technologies, approaches and structures that enhance student learning and enable the District to remain a leader of educational change.

District Commitments to Staff

  • Invest in staff at all levels to produce a caring and nurturing environment for students.
  • Provide job embedded, meaningful and targeted professional learning to enhance student success.
  • Inspire staff so they can thrive and excel. 
  • Prioritize the well-being of ALL staff so they feel safe, supported and valued.
Strategic Plan Stakeholders Committee

The Strategic Plan Committee members represented a wide array of roles throughout the district. Community members, parents, students, teachers, and administrators were all represented.

*Click on the Strategic Plan Committee Members to see all the members.

Strategic Plan Stakeholder Committee Members

Lena Abdrabbah, Instructional Staff Member

Safiyya Abdullah, Instructional Staff Member

Husn Ahmed, Student

Gehad Alawan, Parent/Guardian

Angela Altomonte, Instructional Staff Member

Zakary Amekran, Student

Mark Andrews, Non Instructional Staff Member

Robert Attee, Administrator

Ali Bazzi, Parent/Guardian

Ahlam Bazzi, Post-Secondary Professionals

Kim Beckwith, Instructional Staff Member

Hussein Berry, School Board Trustee

Hassan Berry, Student

Hussein Beydoun, Post-Secondary Professionals

Fatmeh Beydoun, Instructional Staff Member

Hussein Beydoun, Instructional Staff Member

Linda Charara, Parent/Guardian

Danielle Elzayat, Non Instructional Staff Member

Mike Esseily, Administrator

Abeer Fahs, Instructional Staff Member

Fatme Faraj, Administrator

Malak Fardous, Instructional Staff Member

Andrew Gladstone-Highland, Parent/Guardian

Winifred Green, Administrator

Nofila Haidar, Parent/Guardian

Frank Haliburda, Administrator

Rebecca Hermen, Parent/Guardian

Hilda Irani, Administrator

Iman Ismail, Instructional Staff Member

Cillian Jackson, Student

Tirria Kendred, Post-Secondary Professionals

Darin Kerr, Instructional Staff Member

Farah Mackie, PTA Council

Farah Mackie-Harajli, Parent/Guardian

Hussain Makki, Student

Wafaa Mallah, Non Instructional Staff Member

Adam Martin, Administrator

Aimee Meeker, Instructional Staff Member

Al Mosawi, Parent/Guardian

Adnan Moughni, Administrator

Zeinab Moughnia, Instructional Staff Member

Haifaa Mourad-Chamma, Parent/Guardian

Adeeb Mozip, Parent/Guardian

David Mustonen, Administrator

Syeda Naqvi, Parent/Guardian

Morgan Pircer, Instructional staff member and parent

James Radcliffe, Instructional Staff Member

Anji Santacroce, Parent/Guardian

Zanib Sareini, Non Instructional Staff Member

Lamis Srour, Administrator

Metsihet Tilahun, Parent/Guardian

Shadia Vettraino, Parent/Guardian

Thomas Wall, Administrator

Zahera Zahreldin, Instructional Staff Member

Focus Area 1: Teaching and Learning

Goal 1: Maintain a high graduation rate and meet annual proficiency and growth targets in pre-K through 12th grade as set by the state accountability system.



Who will do what to REACH this goal


How will we know it’s happening



Accountability (who) 

Strengthen the Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) process districtwide by Implementing: 

  • specially designed instruction for subgroups
  • a well-documented Mulit-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) process
  • SIP walkthroughs
  • Building PD Calendar – SIP all schools folder

SE and EL Directors

Executive Directors



Provide a Guaranteed and viable curriculum through common resources aligned to grade level rigor

  • Chart of district curriculum resources by grade level/subject
  • Pacing guide
  • Essential Learnings
  • K-12 progression of course offerings to support college and career readiness 

Curriculum Consultant

Committee Co-chairs

Executive Directors 


Incorporate Disciplinary Literacy practices in all schools

  • Increased STEAM Activities that support disciplinary literacy

Curriculum Consultant

Science Coordinators



Goal 2: Increase career readiness through Career Development Education as measured by AP coursework, industry certifications and dual enrollment



Who will do what to REACH this goal


How will we know it’s happening




Implement career development education- Use MI model for career  development:

  • ES – incorporate career awareness by introducing various types of careers 
  • MS – incorporate career exploration activities in all middle schools
  • HS – Develop college and career paths for every student through high school academies
  • Employability skills: college and career life/soft skills. Academy model
  • Create a middle school career exploration course
  • evidence in building SIP Plans
  • number of students entering high-need industry areas upon graduation; 
  • reduced number of students taking remedial coursework in college; 
  • successful completion of college.
  • SIP Plan

Building administrators


Executive Directors

Revise My Learning Plan to align with Michigan’s Educational Development Plan 

Committee documented revision 

Implementation evidence from SIP


Building Administrators

Executive Directors

Develop and employ a program that provides each student with a designated adult or peer who will support

each student in his/her course(s) who will function as a single point of contact and advocate for student success.


Data to support Goal 2:  (measures of achievement: AP enrollment and test pass rates, industry certifications, purposeful dual enrollment numbers toward degree, collect data in regards to college acceptance and year 13 success rate, university feedback (How are the kids doing in the 1sr year of college and beyond? GPA, skills for college success, drop out)

Goal 3: Strengthen positive relationships and student leadership to improve discipline and attendance and decrease bullying.



Who will do what to REACH this goal


How will we know it’s happening




Incorporate SEL activities at each level

SIP Visits

Building artifacts (ex. Care2Core, Leader in Me, etc.)

Affective Education Coordinator

Executive Directors

School Administrator

Director of Special Education 

Implement behavioral intervention strategies at each building 

Behavioral Intervention Model Artifacts (examples Leader in Me, PBIS, Restorative Practices, etc)

attendance, discipline records..etc, specifically reduction in truancy and suspension rates

Affective Education Coordinator

Executive Directors

School Administrator

Director of Special Education 

Provide timely and relevant professional development on current issues (Trauma informed instruction, Vaping, culturally responsive teaching, restorative practices, social media impact)

PD Calendar

General Admin Agenda

Affective Education Coordinator

Executive Directors

School Administrator

Director of Special Education 


Data to support Goal 3:  (SEL Surveys, Discipline Data, Bullying Data, Attendance Data)


Focus Area 1: Instructional Improvement and Innovation

Dearborn Public Schools staff will meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students

SMART Goal: Maintain a high graduation rate and meet annual proficiency and growth targets in pre-K through 12th grade as set by the state accountability system 

Focus Area 1: Instructional Improvement and Innovation

Strategy 1: Implement a highly functioning PLC process-MTSS Academic

Strategy 1: Implement a highly functioning PLC process-MTSS Academic

Action Steps

Who will do what to implement the strategy 


How will we know it’s happening

Assigned To

Start Date

Due Date

Provide high-quality professional development that increases the staff’s capacity to collaborate, design, and implement Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III instruction.

Director of Curriculum

Executive Directors of Student Achievement

Fall 2022

Spring 2026

Build Collaborative cultures within PLC teams in every building

Executive Directors of Student Achievement

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Identify and Revisit essentials and unpack into learning targets for every subject and every level

Executive Directors of Student Achievement 

Fall 2023

Spring 2024

Develop Common Assessments 

Executive Directors of Student Achievement

Fall 2023

Spring 2024

Establish a school wide system of interventions and extensions for all students including ELs

Executive Directors of Student Achievement

Fall 2024

Spring 2026

Establish K-12 evidence based grading and reporting process

Director of Assessment

Executive Directors of Student Achievement

Fall 2024

Spring 2026

Integrate and monitor technology/STEAM plan implementation throughout the PLC process

Director of Curriculum

Executive Directors of Student Achievement

Fall 2024

Spring 2026

Strategy 2 :Develop a shared understanding around the Portrait of a Graduate

Strategy 2 :Develop a shared understanding around the Portrait of a Graduate

Action Steps

Who will do what to implement the strategy 


How will we know it’s happening

Assigned To

Start Date

Due Date

Establish a longitudinal  EDP for every student from K-12 leading to a college and career plan

Career Awareness: Grades K-6

Career Exploration: Grades 7 & 8

Career Preparation: Grades 9 – 12

Elementary – Principals

Middle School – Counselors

High School – G.I.S and Academy lead and counselors 



Track and communicate ALL students’ progress across the three levels through a clear process

Building Administrators

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Implement systemic practices to improve attendance 

Student Services Director

Building Administrators , Liaisons, APs, Counselors



Educate with purpose to empower students by exposing them to many different career opportunities through field experiences and employability skills.

Co-Op Teacher


CTE Partnerships 



Develop a DPS portrait of a graduate 

  • College and Career Readiness
  • Employability Skills and Civic Discourse

Executive Directors of Achievement

Spring 2024


Strategy 3: Provide high-quality professional development that increases the staff’s capacity to collaborate, design, and implement innovative curriculum.

Strategy 3: Provide high-quality professional development that increases the staff’s capacity to collaborate, design, and implement innovative curriculum. 

Action Steps

Who will do what to implement the strategy 


How will we know it’s happening

Assigned To

Start Date

Due Date

Provide high-quality professional development that increases the staff’s capacity to collaborate, design, and implement common assessments

Director of Curriculum

Executive Directors of Student Achievement

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Provide specially designed professional development to allow for teacher choice based on needs

Director of Curriculum

Executive Directors of Student Achievement

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Prioritize and streamline professional development with emphasis on aligning to district adopted resources

Director of Curriculum

Executive Directors of Student Achievement

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Incorporate staff input when planning professional development

Director of Curriculum

Executive Directors of Student Achievement

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Equip professional staff with current technology skills to strengthen instruction in all areas

Director of Technology

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Focus Area 1 Indicators of Success:

  • Professional Development Feedback for planning and evaluation
  • Implementation Tool of MTSS Academic-DAIT TOOL (Dearborn Activity Implementation Tool)
  • Implement citizenship/employability skill reporting tool within report card
  • Increased proficiency and growth 
  • EDP plan implementation K-12
  • PD plan for district and schools 

Focus Area 2: Student and Staff Well-Being

All students will learn in an environment that fosters social-emotional well-being, equity, and global perspectives.  Dearborn Public Schools will attract, develop, and retain excellent staff in a quality work environment

SMART Goal:  Students – Decrease bullying, increase positive behavior, improve discipline and attendance. 
SMART Goal:  Staff –  Increase staff well-being and satisfaction as measured by annual surveys and increased retention rates

Focus Area 2: Student and Staff Well-Being

Strategy 1: Implement a highly functioning SEL process-MTSS Affective

Strategy 1: Implement a highly functioning SEL process-MTSS Affective

Action Steps

Who will do what to implement the strategy 


How will we know it’s happening

Assigned To Start Date Due Date
Incorporate SEL activities at each level Executive Director of Special Populations Fall 2024 Spring 2026
Establish a school wide system of interventions and extensions for All students based on SEL needs Executive Director of Special Populations Fall 2024 Spring 2026
Implement  job-embedded professional learning about the five competencies Executive Director of Special Populations Fall 2024 Spring 2026
Monitor students’ affective needs using the CORE Competencies assessment 

Director of Assessment

Executive Director of Special Populations

Fall 2024 Spring 2026
Provide high-quality professional development that increases the staff’s capacity to collaborate, design, and implement Tier I, Tier II, and Tier II SEL instruction. Executive Director of Special Populations Fall 2024 Spring 2026
Implement a reporting category for the Affective domain (SEL/employability skills) on all report cards.   Executive Director of Special Populations Fall 2024 Spring 2026

Strategy 2: Implement a staff wellness plan to support staff health and wellness.

Strategy 2: Implement a staff wellness plan to support staff health and wellness.

Action Steps

Who will do what to implement the strategy 


How will we know it’s happening

Assigned To Start Date
Establish a systemic culture of collaboration among all staff members Executive Director of Human Resources Fall 2024 Spring 2026
Prioritize and streamline professional development for non-instructional staff

Director of Human Resources

Executive Director of Business Services

Fall 2023 Spring 2026
Invest in staff at all levels to produce a caring and nurturing environment for students Executive Director of Human Resources Fall 2024 Spring 2026
Provide all staff with job embedded, timely, relevant and targeted professional learning to enhance student success Instructional Coaches and HS Coordinators  
Provide all non instructional staff  with timely, relevant and targeted professional learning to improve their work environment and increase productivity. Director of Human Resources – Non-Instructional Fall 2024 Spring 2026
Inspire staff so they can thrive and excel. Building Administrators Fall 2023 Spring 2026
Prioritize the well-being of ALL staff so they feel safe, supported and valued. Building Administrators Fall 2023 Spring 2026

Indicators of Success

  1. MTSS Affective Implementation Tool
  2. Staff Satisfaction Survey
  3. Staff Retention Rates
  4. Decreased Suspension, Expulsion and Referral Rates
  5. Increased Attendance Rates
  6. Results from the CORE Competencies and teacher observations

Focus Area 3: Stakeholder Engagement

Develop strong partnerships within the community to support a culture of learning for all.

SMART Goal:  Improve trusting relationships between stakeholders and district as measured by annual surveys

Focus Area 3: Stakeholder Engagement

Strategy 1: Strengthen stakeholders relationships with the district

Strategy 1: Strengthen stakeholders relationships with the district 

Action Steps

Who will do what to implement the strategy 


How will we know it’s happening

Assigned To

Start Date

Due Date

Foster trust between the community and the school district through timely communication in a clear, concise, transparent manner

District Leadership

Building Administrators

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Consistently engage stakeholders in decision making

District Leadership

Building Administrators

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Implement strategies to engage to increase stakeholder engagement

Executive Director of Business Services

Director of Communications

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Create educational materials and informational meetings for stakeholders to better understand school business and educational policies and guidelines

Executive Director of Business Services

Director of Communications

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Strategy 2: Maintain clear communication with teachers, staff and parents to monitor progress being made

Strategy 2: Maintain clear communication with teachers, staff and parents to monitor progress being made

Action Steps

Who will do what to implement the strategy 


How will we know it’s happening

Assigned To

Start Date

Due Date

Create a written communication plan encompassing district and school communities

Director of Communication 

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Provide Parent Talk professional development to selected district trainers to provide teacher and family trainings at the schools

Executive Director of Special Populations

Spring 2024

Spring 2026

Use Social Media and district approved communication tools including Intouch, MiStar, and blogs to provide timely and relevant communication. 

Building Administrators

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Maintain monthly parent meetings at all schools (PTA and/or other educational meetings) 

Executive Directors

Building Administrators

Fall 2024

Spring 2026

Indicators of Success

  1. Staff satisfaction surveys    
  2. Staff Retention Rates
  3. Feedback from parents/community members/students
  4. Decent stakeholder participation
  5. Quality feedback at chatting and other events
  6. Parent correspondence     

Focus Area 4: Facilities and Infrastructure

Dearborn Schools will ensure safe and supportive facilities for all its students and employees

SMART Goal: Improve infrastructure based on the Fielding Study Recommendations based on budget availability.  Increase Security at all buildings

Focus Area 4: Facilities and Infrastructure

Strategy 1: Ensure the safety and security of all students and staff

Strategy 1: Ensure the safety and security of all students and staff

Action Steps

Who will do what to implement the strategy 


How will we know it’s happening

Assigned To

Start Date

Due Date

Implement an administrative process to prioritize needs that will be addressed by security program

Director of Operations

Health Safety & Security Supervisor 

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Review and continuously update building and district security plans 

Health Safety & Security Supervisor 

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Provide emergency management training districtwide

Health Safety  & Security Supervisor

Director of Instructional Technology 

Fall 2023

Spring 2026

Strategy 2: Use the Fielding Study outcomes to prioritize facilities and infrastructure needs

Strategy 2: Use the Fielding Study outcomes to prioritize facilities and infrastructure needs

Action Steps

Who will do what to implement the strategy 


How will we know it’s happening

Assigned To

Start Date

Due Date

Leverage new technologies, approaches and structures that enhance student learning and enable the District to remain a leader of educational change.

Director of Instructional Technology

Teacher Curriculum Leaders

Curriculum Director

September 2023

Spring 2026

Strategically replace or renovate buildings based on Fielding recommendations and stakeholder feedback

Director of Operations

Director of Instructional Technology

September 2023

Spring 2026

Indicators of Success

  1. Activities – Technology Action Plan Interim Progress Indicators
  2. Activities – Replace/renovate
  3. Staff facilities satisfaction surveys

*Fidelity of Implementation will be monitored and communicated through board briefs.