Dearborn Public Schools has recognized the educational needs of English Learners (ELs) and has established supported programs for them since 1976. We are committed to interventions that provide language support allowing students to achieve academic success on state standards in all content areas while attaining English Language proficiency. In addition, we thrive in preparing all our students for college and career readiness.

Feel free to contact us.  We will be happy to answer any of your questions/concerns the best we can.

EL & Compensatory Education- Director

Rose Aldubaily
(313) 827-8054

EL & Compensatory Education- Coordinator

Amal Abdulla
(313) 827-3118

Language & Literacy/SIOP Trainers

Jeannine Oynoian
(313) 827-3126

Nadra Shami
(313) 827-3013

Ameena Elder
(313) 827-7260