School Improvement and the Dearborn Teacher University

Mentor/Mentee Meeting Dates

The same session will be presented on two consecutive days.  sign up for one of each of the following required sessions. DTU course page   iLearn is an online tool found on the site. The username and password is the same as your district email.

Date Attendance Time Location
October 12, 2016 OR October 13, 2016 First, Second, 3rd year mentors & Mentees 4:10 pm to 5:25 pm Michael Berry Career Center
February 8, 2017 OR February 9, 2017 First Year Mentor/Mentees 4:10 pm to 5:25 pm TBD
 May 3, 2017  OR May 4, 2017 First Year Mentor/Mentees  4:10 pm to 5:25 pm  TBD