Technology Department News


Wireless Update

We are very excited that the Bond implementation has begun. Switches are being updated and wireless access points are being installed. The wireless system is a new system. Instead of a static access key, individuals can now use their District credentials to access...

Bond Update

We are hard at work implementing the bond plan. Here is a quick update and some tips: We are rolling out laptops to buildings. Chromebooks will be rolled to each and every building. However, these will not be delivered to buildings until the new wireless system is in...

RESA Network Maintenance

Scheduled RESA Maintenance Start time: Sun, 5 Oct 2014 8:00 am Approximate end time: Sun, 5 Oct 2014 4:00 pm Description Scheduled RESA Maintenance This is one of four scheduled maintenance Sundays this fiscal year. You should plan for the potential of an all day loss...

NWEA Testing

Today the window for NWEA testing is opening. Many students will be partaking in this important and informative assessment. Naturally, with something new, there are lots of concerns about how things work and what the process is. This is true anytime that we do new...

Internet Connectivity

Over the past week, RESA has been dealing with a series of DDoS attacks. These attacks have the consequence of affecting every school district that receives Internet service through RESA. Dearborn is one of those districts. RESA has been very diligently working...



Dearborn Public Schools will be implementing NWEA this year. In order to help teachers prepare for using and utilizing NWEA, we have enrolled all teachers and administrators in the Knowledge Academy. This is a great resource. However, some teachers may have lost their...

Constitution Day Resource

Live Tour of the National Archives and Up Close Look at the Constitution September 17 at 1:00PM ET Join David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, on a tour of the National Archives and a short lesson about the Constitution. Constitution Day provides a great...

Network Upgrades

We are very excited to have begun the process of upgrading the network. Part of this upgrade is replacing the network switches in every building. In order to replace the switches, we must physically remove the switch that is in place and install the new one. This...

New Feature – Badges for Professional Development

New Feature – Badges for Professional Development

Who doesn't like a sticker for doing a good job! Badges are a new feature that we are rolling out as part of our employee online training in iLearn.  When you complete a set of criteria you are awarded a badge for completing the task.  The criteria can be anything...

Bond Update

We've been hard at work beginning the implementation of the Bond work that was passed by the voters. Some of these are crucial, but remain unseen by users (at least when they are working). These items are absolutely crucial to using technology throughout the district....