Technology Department News

New Feature – Badges for Professional Development

Who doesn’t like a sticker for doing a good job!

Badges are a new feature that we are rolling out as part of our employee online training in iLearn.  When you complete a set of criteria you are awarded a badge for completing the task.  The criteria can be anything from getting a certain grade on a quiz to watching a video.  When complete you will be rewarded with a badge!

There are three main employee training courses that we will be issuing badges: Bloodborne Pathogen Training, Office of Civil Rights Bilingual Training, and Response to Bullying Behaviour.  When you have completed the course objectives you will receive one of the three badges below:

BBP_award   OCR_award   RBB_award

You can view your badges in iLearn

*Please note that it may take up to an hour before your badge will be displayed.