Technology Department News


Dearborn Public Schools will be implementing NWEA this year. In order to help teachers prepare for using and utilizing NWEA, we have enrolled all teachers and administrators in the Knowledge Academy. This is a great resource. However, some teachers may have lost their invitation in the mass of email. If you are a teacher or administrator (hired before 8/26/2014), and can’t find your invitation, please follow these steps:

Unless you’ve marked the email as trash AND emptied your trash, it should be in your email. Please search “Mail, Spam & Trash” for  [Has the words: “Dr. Kathy Klee”] This should find the email no matter where it is (again, minus the caveat that you’ve emptied your trash).

  • Click the grey triangle at the end of the search window in Gmail
  • Select Mail & Spam & Trash from the search criteria box- (You must change this from the default of “All Mail”)
  • Enter “Dr. Kathy Klee” in the Has the words box
  • As a bonus, you enter “8/26” and change the criteria in the Date within field
  • Click the Blue search button.

NWEA search tips