More breaches have been discovered. MysteryScience follow up. How to stay safe online. [Read time: ~ 1 minute.]
Online Security
MysteryScience has a data breach and there is a massive password breach. [Read time: ~1 minute]
MISTAR pilot training with FREE SCECHs available.
Mi-Star Q Mobile App
ParentConnect is now available as an App for iOS and Android.
Annotation Pilot
Dearborn teachers can now implement digital annotation for students.
Black Friday Phishing
Phishing attempts increase during the holidays. Protect yourself.
Choose iLearn
Choose iLearn! 3 Great reasons to use iLearn.
Standards in DEC
Standards are now linked and searchable in DEC. Find out more.
iLearn Sign-On
Everyone can now sign in to iLearn without entering a user name and password. Find out how.
Online Security
With the holidays fast approaching, a rise in phishing attacks is traditionally seen as well. Phishing attacks can be frustrating to deal with. The best defense is to not fall for them in the first place. Unfortunately, we are seeing phishing attacks because "better"...