School Improvement and the Dearborn Teacher University

General Information


Good Afternoon, A parent dashboard was created by the Michigan Department of Education for parents and other stakeholders wanting to know more about public schools down to the building level. This tool replaces the color-coding system of green, lime, yellow, orange,...

Year One Professional Staff dig into curriculum

Year One Professional Staff dig into curriculum

Our first Dearborn Teacher University Year One PD session met in November. Participants spent time learning about our district curriculum, resources and pacing guides. Elementary professional staff examined resources available to them on DEC through a scavenger hunt...

Busy month for our New Professional Staff

Greetings everyone! We hope your first few months at school have been rewarding for you and your students. During the month of October our department met with over 600 new professional staff and their mentors. The mentor/mentee sessions focused on state and district...

New Teacher Reception

Greetings, This is a reminder that the human resources department is inviting all new teachers to a reception prior to the board meeting on Monday, October 9 at 6:30 PM. Over 160 teachers were hired this year. Principals, please encourage your new hire teachers to...

Newly Hired Professional Staff/ Attendance Bonus

News you may have missed! From the HR Department Blog on June 12, 2017. Employee Merit/ Attendance Bonus Pay for 2017-18 School year  The Dearborn School Board will be providing an attendance incentive and merit pay bonus for all employees who have been employed...

Mentor/Mentee News

Greetings Teachers, I hope you are all off to a great start of the new school year. Please refer to the link: Mentor/Mentee Roles and Responsibilities section of the Dearborn Teacher University handbook to learn about mentor/mentee roles and responsibilities until we...

New Staff Orientation

New Staff Orientation

Greetings, Newly hired staff have been attending orientation for the last three days. We are grateful for all the district presenters who provided the training. Topics covered include: Day 1: Trustee Petlichkoff and Dr. Maleyko Dearborn School's mission and vision...

Michigan Department of Education Press Release

MICHIGAN RECEIVES GRANT TO BOOST EDUCATOR ROLE IN ESSA IMPLEMENTATION Michigan Receives Grant to Boost Educator Role in ESSA Implementation May 11, 2017 LANSING – Twenty Michigan teachers will be selected to serve on a key leadership panel to help implement the...