Technology Department News


iOS Calendar Issue

Please note that if you have updated to iOS 9, there is a calendar issue with Google Calendar. The issue involves items created on an iOS device. The new events will NOT sync to the Google Calendar. The fix is relatively simple. Follow the directions below. On your...

Chromebook signin

Beginning this fall, users who are signing into Chromebooks will have the part of the sign in pre-populated. This will make it quicker to login, easier for our younger students, and less likely for users to sign in to the wrong account. Please...

Google+ Names

Previously, we have had some issues with names being changed in Google+. A couple of times, this has happened as a result of multiple Gmail accounts. Beginning today, names in Google+ for all staff members will be set to the official name from Human Resources. This...

Google Docs Tip

Google Docs Tip

Disable downloading, printing, and copying of any Google Drive file This new option is available for any file stored in Google Drive, including documents, spreadsheets, and presentations created with Google Docs. To enable this feature, open the sharing dialogue from...

Google Drive

Google Drive Sync You can sync your Google Drive documents with your computer. This makes all of your Google Drive documents available even if an Internet disruption occurs. Thus, your documents are always available. If an Internet disruption does occur, you can...

Merge Cells in Tables

You can now merge cells in tables in a Google Document. This has always been a feature in Spreadsheets, but it is now available in Docs as well. This launch adds the ability to merge the cells of a table in Google Docs. Merged table cells can span more than one row...

Appointment Slots in Google Calendar

One great feature of Google Calendar is the ability to create Appointment slots. This allows a user to create a block of time and then allow individuals to "sign up" for a appointment during that time frame. For example, if a teacher wants to have students sign up to...



Please remember to check your Spam folder in your email occasionally. Sometimes, legitimate email gets "caught" in the Spam filter. This is especially true when a large amount of email is sent out (especially if it includes links). One example would be email that was...

New Google Drive

Google Drive is about to be updated. The new Google Drive will feature the same benefits as the current version, with some additional improvements. You will still be able to share documents (and YOU control whether your documents are shared or not - by default,...

Google Sharing

Google Sharing

One of the powerful features of Google Apps is sharing. The rights that you can give vary from just letting people view something to making them the owner of the item. A question has come up over Folder Sharing. Here is the scoop: TL/DNR version: If you don't want...