Technology Department News

New Google Drive

Google Drive is about to be updated. The new Google Drive will feature the same benefits as the current version, with some additional improvements. You will still be able to share documents (and YOU control whether your documents are shared or not – by default, documents are private only to you), you will still be able to control the permissions of those documents that are shared, you will still be able to open Google Drive documents on just about any device, you will still have an unlimited amount of storage space, and much, much more.

However, Google Drive will pick up some additional features:

  • Faster
  • Works more like you’re used to on your computer.
  • Create, add, or upload a file with a single button.
  • Find and add files shared with you more easily.
  • Single-click a file to select it and double-click a file to open it.
  • Drag-and-drop files and folders just like you do on your desktop.
  • Improved accessibility.

Read this post for more information.