Technology Department News

Tech Tips

Moodle – ChemVantage LTI Setup and Usage

Here is a great way to give access to Chemvantage videos, quizzes, and homework via Moodle.  Using LTI your Moodle website connects to ChemVantage and allows the two sites to communicate back and forth.   This means that a quiz taken using the embedded ChemVantage...


One of the issues that comes up frequently is the issue of copyright (see the September 10th post). One of the areas that copyright has made the news is in music. Frequently, I get requests to open sites that are dedicated to music. Music can be powerful in education....

HTML 5 BigBlueButton Web Conferencing

HTML 5 BigBlueButton Web Conferencing

We just heard GREAT NEWS from the BigBlueButton Project - they are working on an HTML 5 client!  This is exciting news since many of our schools and teachers are purchasing iPads.  With the new HTML5 client these iPads will now benefit from BBB web conferencing.  Fred...


Email is its very own phenomena. It was designed to share very short pieces of text. It has since grown exponentially in terms of what is shared and how. Email brings lots of frustration as well. Different people have different expectations. We can't fix all of what...

Great iBlog Websites

Hello Staff, Here is some inspiration and a quick look at what other teachers/schools are doing using iBlog. Uses the NEW iBlog App that is compatible with iPhone/iPad/Android to post photos and more...


Several times a week, we get requests (or it comes to our attention) about doing things that may violate copyright. It is important to remember that just because we can do something, doesn't mean that we CAN do something. Let me explain. It is very easy to purchase a...

iBlog Mobile

Introducing the iBlog Mobile App Connect your mobile device to your iBlog website using the super sweet new app which allows you to take photos/video and publish it directly to your iBlog website.   How cool will you be with parents when they see you are totally...

Thought for the day

Thought for the day

Today's thought comes from Scott Mcleod. How many decisions did you make yesterday that reinforced the status quo?   Were those decisions thoughtful? Did those decisions lead you to a destination that you want? What decisions will you make today? Where will those...

Technology updating

Technology changes at a rapid pace. We try to find the appropriate balance between staying cutting edge and providing a rock solid dependable user experience. To that end, we are constantly testing, adjusting and modifying the software and settings that we have in...