Technology Department News


New iLearn Feature – Badges

New iLearn Feature – Badges

Who doesn't like getting a sticker or stamp of approval?  Now you can award students digital "Badges" in iLearn.  This new feature is great at motivating students as they appear in their profile and can be seen by others. Teacher Robert Harrison at Edsel Ford High...

Moodle Quick Grade Performance Issue

We just updated iLearn to Moodle 2.6.1 last week and some teachers were complaining about slow load times when trying to use Quickgrading when looking at Assignments.  The issue stems from the way Moodle wants to build the table with all the student data. It is a bug...

Technology Tidbits

Technology Tidbits - The Tech News Roundup Note:  To get all the technology updates please subscribe to the technology blog: See how many hits your iblog website is getting right on the dashboard! Introducing the new...

Digital Book Reviews – Using Moodle (iLearn)

Digital Book Reviews – Using Moodle (iLearn)

Have you ever wanted to do a school-wide or classroom book review?  Moodle is a powerful tool that allows a teacher to do many types of projects with students.  A good example of how you can use Moodle for a project is doing Book Reviews.  With Moodle you can have a...

Michigan Moodle Moot – Training for iLearn

Teachers interested in Blended Learning should try to attend the Michigan Moodle Moot.  You will be able to network and learn about the powerful features of Moodle (iLearn). Please join Moodle enthusiasts from across Michigan for MI Moodle Moot 2014.  Moot 2014...

iBlog Inspiration – Check out these teacher websites

Every now and then it is good to see what others are doing.  iBlog is great for posting homework and classroom communications.  I found a few exceptional websites and hope these can spark some creative ideas for you....

iBlog Email Newsletter Issue

There is an issue with the Subscribe by Email plugin for iBlog.  We are aware of this and are diligently working on a solution.  We will post an update as more information becomes available.

iLearn (moodle) Text Editor Improvements

iLearn (moodle) Text Editor Improvements

We have recently updated iLearn to include a nice enhancement to the text editor.  The text editor is what appears for teachers when they are updating or adding text to an activity or other element of their iLearn course.  As seen in the image below we have hidden...