School districts in Wayne County have placed a proposal on the November 8th ballot to provide added funding for our schools. It is the “Regional Enhancement Millage Proposal.” If approved by the entire county, the 2...
Wayne County Regional Enhancement Education Millage Proposal
School districts in Wayne County have placed a proposal on the November 8th ballot to provide added funding for our schools. It is the “Regional Enhancement Millage Proposal.” If approved by the entire county, the 2...
Notice for AOL Email Accounts
Dear Parents, If you are an AOL email user, please be aware that you may not receive email notifications due to AOL policies. We are working to resolve this issue with AOL. Thank you for your patience while we work with AOL to make sure you get classroom notifications...

How’d they do that? Mrs. Walsh – iBlog and Google Docs In this guided tour we will look at how Mrs. Walsh at Woodworth Middle School designed her brand new classroom website using iBlog. Here is a run-down of what she has done so...

How’d They Do That? ELL Department Website In this guided tour we will look at how the wonderful staff in the ELL department designed their brand new department website using iBlog. Here is a run-down of what they have done so far. What makes this site stand out is...

iBlog Step Sheets and Video Tutorials
Join the many other teachers using iBlog and create your website using the simple step sheet and video tutorials. View the Step Sheets and Video Tutorials to help you get up and running with iBlog. Creating a classroom website in Dearborn Schools is easier than ever....

New Feature – Badges for Professional Development
Who doesn't like a sticker for doing a good job! Badges are a new feature that we are rolling out as part of our employee online training in iLearn. When you complete a set of criteria you are awarded a badge for completing the task. The criteria can be anything...
iBlog has been updated – WordPress 3.9
iBlog has been updated to the latest version of Wordpress - 3.9. Here is a video showcasing some of the improvements. Here are the highlights that will be most apparent... A smoother media editing experience Improved visual editing The updated visual editor has...

New Michigan Moodle User Group
If you are currently using Moodle or are interested in using Moodle, please consider joining the new Michigan Moodle Users Group on Google Plus. We are building a community of support and collaboration to help teachers be successful in blended learning. Feel free to...

Student Portfolios – A tool for every student
A little known secret in iLearn is the ePortfolio tool. This tool is built using software called Mahara and is fully integrated with iLearn. This tool allows students to collect, store, and display their work. They can form groups and more to share information,...