What happens when students become the teachers? We have a very powerful tool in iLearn (based on Moodle). We've trained teachers to take advantage of some of the powerful options available in iLearn. Our focus though, is always on student learning. iLearn provides...
Free PD (with SCECH’s)
The REMC Virtual Courses are free and open to Michigan school personnel. You can take courses “just to learn” or you can complete all assignments. SCECH credits are available for successful course completion. There is a multi-month schedule of course offerings. You...
Registration for PD
As you know, we have upgraded our PD registration system. Since we changed from one system to another, we had many decisions to make. One of those decisions was what to do with the registrations that were completed in the "old" system. We could leave the previous...
Flash, Games and some Videos
The web is a constantly changing landscape. It can be difficult to keep up with the latest in technology advances and changes. Even those of us who literally spend their whole day working on technology are hard pressed to keep up with everything. Some of the changes...
We've been transitioning to a new experience in DEC. As such, we are moving some of the links around. If you visit the Staff Resources page of the Dearborn Public Schools web site, the DEC link will now go to the new an improved version of DEC. Since we haven't yet...
In our new age of sharing, it can be easy to forget that copyright laws still apply. This can be especially true in schools. After all, educators are trying to help students learn. Copyright laws impact the use of images, videos and text. Frequently, schools use text,...
One Google Document in Multiple Folders
One File, Two Folders Sometimes, it can be beneficial to have one Google Document in two different folders. Maybe you are meticulous about organizing your files, but you have a file that could easily be in two different folders. This can happen when you are...
New Google Calendar
Starting today, we are making the new Google Calendar available. This is an optional update at this time. You will need to click a blue button in the top right hand side of the calendar to upgrade. The new Google Calendar brings with it some nice features: Pretty. The...
iLearn Tips
Here are a couple of really good iLearn tips: Show items in gradebook with a score of 0 zero Hide Course Total score/grade from students