Technology Department News

Cyber Security

padlock through a paper contract

Please be aware that we are seeing additional phishing emails and malware attempts.

COVID-19 has led to an increase in attacks on schools. With schools using more and more online tools, the bad guys are attacking. Simply spending more time on computers can lead to “security fatigue”.

Malware and phishing attacks can be devastating.

A couple of tips:

  • Your principal isn’t in a “meeting” right now and needs you to respond to with your contact information.
  • Be wise about plugging in drives to a computer that you’ve taken home.
  • Look at the REAL from address in emails.
  • If something “seems wrong” or odd, slow down and be careful.

We have taken appropriate security measures to help protect the district. This is a moving target, so we are constantly updating our policies and practices. At times, this means that you may be restricted in what you can install. This impacts district accounts using Google extensions and PC devices specifically.