Technology Department News

Appointment Slots in Google Calendar

One great feature of Google Calendar is the ability to create Appointment slots. This allows a user to create a block of time and then allow individuals to “sign up” for a appointment during that time frame. For example, if a teacher wants to have students sign up to discuss a project, the teacher can create 10 minutes time slots during an hour long period. Students can then pick a 10 minute “slot”. When the student signs up, it will go on their calendar and the teacher calendar.

This process is very simple and straight forward. We’ve completed a HelpSheet to provide specific instructions.

Here are a couple of other potential uses:

  • Teachers meeting with parents. Post the link on your blog, and parents sign up for a time period.
  • Administrators meeting with teachers. Administrators set up a time frame and email the link to specific teachers.
  • Secretaries meeting with support staff.
  • Media Centers having classes sign up for instruction.

I’m sure that there are more, but the wonderful staff at Dearborn Public Schools will find them.
