Technology Department News

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Free EduPaths courses.

Free SCECHs Check out the newly published courses linked below... MI School Data - FERPA/HIPPA Compliance Harnessing the Power of Google Apps in the World Language Classroom - Part 1 Harnessing the Power of Google Apps in the World Language Classroom - Part 2 Let's...

Help Needed?

Looking for tips? How about some tricks? We have a variety of Help Sheets posted. The latest ones include Interactive Projector tips. Many of these fall into the "one minute" category (meaning they take about one minute to read and implement). Here are a couple of...

Password Management

You may have heard of the recent Facebook account compromised. Maybe you've received an email stating that your webcam shows....(we've had several people received these). That email may also list your user name and a password that you've actually used. What does this...

Gmail Interface

Gmail Interface

According to the latest schedule, as of October 16th, 2018, any users who’ve opted out of the new Gmail will be automatically migrated to the new experience. They won’t be able to opt out after that date. Users who’ve already transitioned to the new Gmail will lose...

Bookmarking in Google Chrome

One of the basic computer skills that everyone should have is the ability to "bookmark" sites. This can be especially handy for forms that are needed to be completed. Forms such as the Response to Bullying Behavior, lunch counts (for some schools), or intervention...

Gmail Interface

Google has "helpfully" switched everyone over to the new Gmail interface. While we really, really like the new interface, we understand that some may prefer the older interface. At this point, you can still switch back by using the setting menu. According to the...

WordPress App

For a long time, we've noted how nice it is to use the WordPress app to post to blogs. Sadly, because of bad actors and security concerns, we can no longer use the app. There is an issue in how the WordPress app integrates with a WordPress web site that allows for...


It is with great joy that we celebrate the return of Bob Harrison his role as a Tech Coach. Bob brings such great gifts the teaching and learning process. He has reached so many students through his Tech Coach role. Now, he's back. One of the tenets of our team is try...

Contact Information:

18700 Audette Dearborn, MI 48124

Director of Technology: Robert Attee
Phone: 313-827-3075

Supervisor of Network Services and Applications: Christopher Kenniburg
Phone: 313-827-3084


Phone: 313-827-3003

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