Free SCECHs Check out the newly published courses linked below... MI School Data - FERPA/HIPPA Compliance Harnessing the Power of Google Apps in the World Language Classroom - Part 1 Harnessing the Power of Google Apps in the World Language Classroom - Part 2 Let's...
Professional Development

August FREE PD
Here are the REMC FREE PD opportunities for educators:

REGISTER for REMC Virtual Courses today! Registration is now open for sessions offered July through October 2018 Click Here for July - October Course Registration! - REMC Virtual Courses are FREE and open to all Michigan school personnel - You can take courses "just...

iLearn Support
Want to learn more about iLearn? Join us at RESA for the Moodle Users' Group meeting. March 26th, 2018 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Wayne RESA 33500 Van Born Rd, Wayne, MI 48184 FREE RSVP to claim your spot!
Another Free SCECH opportunity
Want to learn about authentic learning with gamification or by using SAMR or DOK? Maybe you want to brush up you social media skills or learn more about Open Education Resources. Check out the free REMC Virtual courses for March. SCECHs available.

Free PD (with SCECH’s)
The REMC Virtual Courses are free and open to Michigan school personnel. You can take courses “just to learn” or you can complete all assignments. SCECH credits are available for successful course completion. There is a multi-month schedule of course offerings. You...
Registration for PD
As you know, we have upgraded our PD registration system. Since we changed from one system to another, we had many decisions to make. One of those decisions was what to do with the registrations that were completed in the "old" system. We could leave the previous...
Free PD – October 2017
Overview: All courses are free and eligible for 6-9 SCECH credits. Each course is 3 weeks long, with two live webinars (in the evening). First week of the month is rolling enrollment and pre-readings; webinars begin second week. All courses below will be eligible for...
Upcoming September Professional Learning Courses (open to ALL districts) All courses are free and eligible for 6-9 SCECH credits. Each course is 3 weeks long, with two live webinars (in the evening). First week of the month is rolling enrollment and...
Dearborn Moodle Moot- Take 2
There is still time to register for the second session of the Dearborn Moodle Moot for 2017. If you want to become better at using iLearn (and enjoy some awesome ICE CREAM), register today. You will have a coupon code available (sent out earlier in an email) or...