Technology Department News


Meltdown and Spectre

You may have heard of two security issues that will impact everyone in the news lately. These are referred to as Meltdown and Spectre. These will actually impact everyone, just how is yet to be determined. The short version of meltdown and spectre is that we want our...

Phishing Attempt – Beware!

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sent a warning Monday about a new ransomware email scam intended to steal private information from the recipient’s computer. The email claims it is the IRS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and advises users to download a...

iLearn Upgrade

Moodle (iLearn) 3.3 is now available. This is great news for us. We have been looking forward to the update since the beta was released. We will be upgrading immediately after school is dismissed in June. Impact So how does this impact teachers and students? iLearn...

MI-STAR Access

Yesterday, RESA experienced technical issues with our installation of MI-STAR. This led to MI-STAR being unavailable for a certain period of time on Sunday, October 18th. RESA has resolved the issue and is looking into their procedures to make sure that the same...

MI-Star Access

There are two RESA maintenance events scheduled for this Friday that overlap. The first event is the MISTAR Web Update starting at 4:00 PM. The second event is a network routing change starting at 5:30 PM. Both events are explained below. MISTAR Web Update The...

Bond Update

We have been hard at work implementing the bond. Here is a quick overview of where we are so far. Switch Upgrade One phase of the implementation is to upgrade the switches. Switches have been updated in the following buildings: Whitmore Bolles ES Henry Ford ES Edsel...


What is it? Heartbleed is a serious security vulnerability in web servers that run OpenSSL. (A lot of web servers run OpenSSL). Intrusion leaves absolutely no trace what so ever. Thus, there is no way to know if someone has implemented the vulnerability. Why should...

iBlog Email Newsletter Issue

There is an issue with the Subscribe by Email plugin for iBlog.  We are aware of this and are diligently working on a solution.  We will post an update as more information becomes available.

Digital Learning Day

Dearborn Public Schools is proud to participate in the Digital Learning Day for 2013! Every day we provide digital opportunities to our community. We will also be encouraging individual teachers to sign up and participate. Teachers can celebrate Digital Learning Day...