Technology Department News


iLearn (moodle) Text Editor Improvements

iLearn (moodle) Text Editor Improvements

We have recently updated iLearn to include a nice enhancement to the text editor.  The text editor is what appears for teachers when they are updating or adding text to an activity or other element of their iLearn course.  As seen in the image below we have hidden...


We are pleased to let you know that we have new HelpDesk software available for you to use. When you click on the HelpDesk Ticket (available under the Staff Tab on the main Dearborn Public Schools web page), you'll be taken to our new HelpDesk site called OTTERS. This...

Invite to Join Dearborn’s Pin It Website

Invite to Join Dearborn’s Pin It Website

Want to see something cool just for Dearborn teachers?  You are personally invited to join  Dearborn Public School's Pin It website.  The Pin It website works very similar to Pinterest but is limited to stuff we/you post as a Dearborn School employee.  Our own private...

The End of Windows XP

MicroSoft is ending support for Windows XP during the next school year. This means that we will need to update our computers so that they are running Windows 7. In order to accomplish this with as little instructional disruption as possible, we will attempt to update...

Gmail Access

We've identified an issue with Gmail delivery. Due to that issue, we have suspended delivery to Gmail accounts. Resolution will be soon. In the meantime, please continue using Outlook to view and respond to email.   Thanks.

Filter issues

As we have tried to open the web more and more for adults, we have hit upon a few stumbling blocks. We still need to filter the Internet appropriately, there are lots of things that are totally inappropriate for schools.   You may see an Authentication Box if you...

Music and Copyright

'Tis that time of year again. Time when many schools are holding assemblies and putting together retrospectives of the year. We know the power of music, and many schools want to include music in their retrospective projects.   Unfortunately, many people don't...

Google Apps for Education

The technology department is pleased to let you know that we are working on the transition to Google Apps for Education. This transition will fully take effect beginning in August of 2013.   However, we are hard at work to make sure that the transition is as easy...

SPAM again.

A piece of SPAM has made it past our filter. However, our well educated staff is not falling for it. Several teachers have sent me the SPAM. Please note: There is nonsensical wording at the bottom of the email. They are asking you to open a .zip file (this is a common...

DEC Preview

Here is a quick overview of our upcoming Curriculum Mapping Tool. Please click on the link below to view an 8 minute video tour of DEC. DEC Overview You can also preview the live site at Please note that you must use the "sign...