Technology Department News


Saving Data

Data is important. Having a single copy of data is a concern. There is an adage, if you only have one copy of your data, you don't have the data. We are working on refreshing lots of computers (starting with the high schools). Any data left on a computer will be...

PERSONAL Purchases of Technology

The Tech Readiness Project, TRIG, SPOT device purchase program has an option for personal purchase.  Here are details on the discount program. Do compare the prices offered with others that you find. Feedback is appreciated on what you discover. Device Purchasing...


If you use eBay (either for personal or work use), eBay is asking all users to change their passwords due to a cyberattack that compromised a database.   eBay Inc. (Nasdaq: EBAY) said beginning later today it will be asking eBay users to change their passwords...


Please do NOT use Internet Explorer except for sites that won't work with anything else. Internet Explorer has a zero day exploit that makes it vulnerable.

New Michigan Moodle User Group

New Michigan Moodle User Group

If you are currently using Moodle or are interested in using Moodle, please consider joining the new Michigan Moodle Users Group on Google Plus.  We are building a community of support and collaboration to help teachers be successful in blended learning.  Feel free to...

Secure Passwords

Creating good passwords that you can actually remember can be difficult. Here is a great site to create memorial, secure passwords: Secure Memorable Password Creator A couple of tips: You can make lots of adjustments. To make is easier to remember, reduce the number...

Security on the Internet

Security on the Internet. There is a strong incentive for companies to continue to make the Internet safe. Rarely do I post concerns about various issues that arise. Many of you may have heard of the Heartbleed vulnerability on the news. We've done a posting on the...


What is it? Heartbleed is a serious security vulnerability in web servers that run OpenSSL. (A lot of web servers run OpenSSL). Intrusion leaves absolutely no trace what so ever. Thus, there is no way to know if someone has implemented the vulnerability. Why should...

Student Portfolios – A tool for every student

Student Portfolios – A tool for every student

A little known secret in iLearn is the ePortfolio tool.  This tool is built using software called Mahara and is fully integrated with iLearn.  This tool allows students to collect, store, and display their work.  They can form groups and more to share information,...

SBAC Testing

SBAC Testing

Several schools will be piloting SBAC testing next week. While we are working on moving as many of the links that students need to our Applications page, some programs can't be linked that way. In those cases, we put an icon on the desktop of student computers.  ...