Julie Wooton wanted her students to do meaningful peer assessment. In working with some other teachers in her building and the Tech Coaches, she implemented an effective peer assessment activity for her students. I was struck by a couple of her comments (quoted from...
Dearborn Moodle Moot 2017
This year, Dearborn will be hosting two Dearborn Moodle Moots. The Dearborn Moodle Moots focus on actual implementation for YOUR classroom. The first day is instructional. Lots of choice, models and tools are shared. The second day is all about implementation - YOU...
The Gift that isn’t quite ready yet.
Gifts In the spirit of Holiday gift giving, we are working on a gift for all teachers. However, that gift isn't quite ready. Still, we are pretty excited about this gift, so we want to make a preview available for those who are interested. This is a gift that we hope...
Moodle Moot Completed
This past Wednesday and Thursday, the Dearborn Moodle Moot was in full swing. There was a terrific amount of learning going on. The teachers did some fantastic work. The training really provides a useful introduction to getting started with iLearn. Kudos to all the...
Moodle Moot
The 2015 Moodle Moot is only days away. This will provide hands on training for iLearn. There is still room for a few more attendees. See more information right here: https://events.dearbornschools.org/moodlemoot/events/dearborn-moodle-moot/ . Dearborn Teachers can...

Badges for Completion
Required materials All Dearborn staff members are required to complete a variety of training. Currently there are three courses that need to be completed: Response to Bullying Behavior, OCR, and Bloodborne Pathogens. We have made this training available via on-line...
Blended Learning Course
RESA is offering one last opportunity for educators to be involved in developing Blended Learning Skills. The course is free (unless you want SCECH's- which is $10). The course starts 1/12/2015 with a mandatory face-to-face session on 1/28/15 (after school). The...
BLUME – Blended Learning Using Moodle Expertly
Do you want your students to bloom? Join us for BLUME (Blended Learning Using Moodle Expertly). This will be a Blended Learning opportunity the helps teachers learn how to use iLearn. SCECH's are available. BLUME Schedule Day 1: 04/12/2014 - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm...

New iLearn Feature – Badges
Who doesn't like getting a sticker or stamp of approval? Now you can award students digital "Badges" in iLearn. This new feature is great at motivating students as they appear in their profile and can be seen by others. Teacher Robert Harrison at Edsel Ford High...
Moodle Quick Grade Performance Issue
We just updated iLearn to Moodle 2.6.1 last week and some teachers were complaining about slow load times when trying to use Quickgrading when looking at Assignments. The issue stems from the way Moodle wants to build the table with all the student data. It is a bug...