Technology Department News


Phishing Attack

There was a major phishing attack today. This one was particularly well done. In short, here is what was happening: Users would receive an email that someone had shared a document with them. This document was a "real" person. When the user clicked on a link, there was...

Refreshing the Google Accounts login page

Refreshing the Google Accounts login page

Google will be updating the look of the log in page. Starting April 5, 2017, we’re rolling out an update to the Google Accounts sign-in page to give users an improved experience to securely sign in to their accounts. This new design will make browser sign-in flows...

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Please note that we've discovered an issue with Google Classroom. If you attempt to go to Google Classroom without already being logged into Google, then you will receive a 404 error. However, if you are logged into Google, you will be presented with the Classroom....

Google Docs Update – Columns now available

Google Docs Update – Columns now available

Well, I'm surprised by this one. Google Docs has seen a recent update that brings columns as an option. Now, you can format your Google Docs with up to three columns. Simply pick "Columns" from the Format menu item. *Note, select text to mix multiple and single...

Google Update with AutoCrat

Many people are using AutoCrat to share information or create mail merges automatically. This is a fantastically efficient way to share information. Please be aware that Google has just made a change that may effect these forms. If you automatically collect user...

Chromebook Sign out button

Chromebook Sign out button

In order to make signing out easier for students, we've added a red "Sign out" button along the bottom of our Chromebooks. Students should use this to sign out when they are done. Google Admin Set up: *I've received a few requests on how to do this. If you are a...

Monitoring Chromebooks

Introducing HiveSchool. HiveSchool is a connected learning application that lets teachers provide an engaging, collaborative and effective learning experience for their students. The application enables teachers to present digital content to the class, monitor student...

Name Updates

Name Updates

Since we rolled out email for students, we are aware that there has been some confusion over the names. We have several instances of students and staff with the same name. In order to help clear up some of the confusion, we are implementing pre-appending Student: to...

Privately shared Google files and Anonymous User

 Interesting "bug" Did you know that if you share a file privately with a known collaborator and they open the file twice, it may appear as if an external anonymous user is accessing the file?  When we found this strange behaviour, we reported it to Google and got...

Document and Calendar Sharing

Every once in a while, life provides opportunities to test our patience, our learning and our trouble shooting skills. We've discovered another of these opportunities. Essentially, we had a database file go asunder. This file syncs with our Google Groups. We were able...