Technology Department News


Virtual Meetings on Chromebooks

Google has identified an issue with Chrome OS 85 and virtual meetings (Zoom, Google Meet, Bluejeans, WebEx, etc). This issue causes freezing, audio degradation, video degradation and connectivity issues. Cause: Google has confirmed that OS Version 85 enabled security...

Spell Check Shortcut in Google Docs

Spell Check Shortcut in Google Docs

Need to run spell check in Google Docs? Now it’s easier than ever. There is now a button between the printer and format painter to quickly check spelling. This will produce a panel on the right with suggested options. [Read time: ~ 30 seconds]

Gmail Interface

Gmail Interface

According to the latest schedule, as of October 16th, 2018, any users who’ve opted out of the new Gmail will be automatically migrated to the new experience. They won’t be able to opt out after that date. Users who’ve already transitioned to the new Gmail will lose...

Bookmarking in Google Chrome

One of the basic computer skills that everyone should have is the ability to "bookmark" sites. This can be especially handy for forms that are needed to be completed. Forms such as the Response to Bullying Behavior, lunch counts (for some schools), or intervention...

Gmail Interface

Google has "helpfully" switched everyone over to the new Gmail interface. While we really, really like the new interface, we understand that some may prefer the older interface. At this point, you can still switch back by using the setting menu. According to the...