Technology Department News

Tech Tips

Class A, MI-STAR and Firefox

There is a known issue with FireFox and rendering of PDF's. This may frustrate some users. The easiest fix is to use a browser other than FireFox if you need to view reports through MI-STAR or Class A.   If you are an advanced user and set on using FireFox, the...

Important – iOS user information

If you use an iOS device (iPhone or iPad) to sync with your work email, please make sure that you have updated to iOS 6.1.2. This update fixes an issue with Exchange. You can check which version you are on by tapping on: - Settings - General -About Then scroll down to...

Visual Maps Resource

Here is a great resource for reviewing visual graphics of data representation. As humans, we are very visual. It can be easy to fall into using just one or two graphics. This is the Periodic Chart done as visuals. The table is broken into different segments: Data...

Deletion of Old Blogs

From time to time it is necessary to "clean house".  We have several blogs that have not been updated since 2010.  Over the next few days we will be pruning these abandoned blogs from our network.  We will be deleting blogs that have not been updated since August of...

MI-STAR connections

MI-STAR is constantly being updated. This comes from RESA. Several teachers have had some issues connecting from home. In doing some trouble-shooting, a "quick fix" is to update your browser. FireFox 18 is compatible with the MI-STAR site.  

Hanging Out at Salina Intermediate School

Chris K. and I are hanging out at Salina Intermediate School. The great staff here has had some terrific questions. We've had the opportunity to share some tips, tricks, strategies and more. Inserting a Video from YouTube into iLearn. Promethean Basics. Setting up...

Open Source Software

The Technology Department is constantly looking at ways to be fiscally prudent, future proof and modeling best practice. Part of our model of doing that is to implement open source software where appropriate. Here are some of the open source software pieces we've...

iTunes SPAM

iTunes SPAM

We have a piece of SPAM that is currently making it through our filters. This is definitely SPAM. The message looks like it comes from iTunes. It claims to be a $500 credit, billed to Hilary Shandonay.   Do not click on the link. Delete this. Thanks.   It...

HelpDesk Tickets

In order to more efficiently help you, we've set up a quick system for entering concerns with technology. This is a form (available at ) or by going to the Dearborn Public Schools Web page and clicking on Staff and selecting...


Periodically, we deactivate users who haven't signed in for a period of time. Dearborn Public Schools utilizes email heavily. It is a professional expectation that all employees check their email regularly. In order to help keep our information current, we are...