RESA has updated the link to SMART web (this is where you can see your paycheck). This may cause some frustration for users if you are using a bookmark. The link from the Staff Page on Dearborn Public Schools website has been updated. Please use that link.

Agile Minds
We are aware that Agile Minds is currently experiencing some issues with the recent Chrome update. They are working on the issue. Chromebook users should expand the viewer's header and choose a page within the header rather than in the navigation bar. If taking a...

Chromebooks: Keeping Them Up To Date
How to Keep Chromebooks up to date. [Read time: ~2 minutes]

Security information update. [Read time: ~ 2 minutes]
Required courses end as of June 30th every year. [Read time: ~30 seconds]
Summer Updates
Here’s part of what the Technology Department is up to this summer. [Read time: ~1 minute]
Newsela has been reaching out to me. Newsela is a service that provides leveled readings. A few years ago, they were all the rage. They provided free, leveled readings for students (they still do, but more about that in a minute). Like many free services, Newsela has...
Security on Chromebooks
The web remains a fascinating place. It is exciting and ever-changing. Recently, due to security concerns, we had to make some changes to Chromebooks. Any Chromebooks that are used by students are now limited to the DPS network. That is, any and all student...

A recent ruling reminds us all of the importance of following copyright. HISD (Houston ISD from Texas) was recently ordered to pay $9.2 million dollars ($9,200,000) due to copyright infringement. (Just think about what that $9.2 million dollars could be used for). The...

Scheduled Sending
Schedule your email to be delivered when most appropriate. [Read time: ~30 seconds]