Technology Department News



Functionality has been restored to our email services.

Email & Printers

We are currently experiencing an issue revolving around printing and email. We are working on the issue. We will need to reboot a couple of servers to resolve the printing issue. This will also effect email temporarily. No email should be lost. Functionality should...

Accessing MI-STAR from home

Some people have experienced trouble accessing MI-STAR from home. While we can't support every different computer and computer set up that is out there, here are some things that you can. These are the things that most often help people fix their problem. Update Flash...



Eastern Michigan University has issued a nice reminder about Phishing scams and SPAM. I've received permission from them to repost that information here. With the holiday season upon us, we are seeing an increase in the volume and the quality of email phishing scams. ...

Hangin’ Out at Bryant

Chris and Troy had the opportunity to spend the day at Bryant Middle School. Ms. Shannon Peterson took us up on our offer to come to the school and hang out all day. Teachers can come down and get answers to their questions on using technology. Specifically, we focus...



We are always looking for ways to be more efficient and to provide the best possible service. To that end, we have developed a HelpDesk Ticket. This helps us be efficient by making sure that we get all of the information that we need to help you. Quite frequently,...

Deleting Email

Our email servers are filing up. You can help. This is where you can help. Simply delete your "deleted items". [That's right, when you "delete" something, it doesn't really "delete" it. This is analogous to throwing something away in your kitchen trash bin- eventually...

Email Issue

We are aware of an email issue that is affecting those with last names staring with the letters A-C. We anticipate that the resolution will take at least all day today, Wednesday, to resolve. Thanks.

Teacher Filtering

As you are aware, the district is required to provide a filtered Internet experience. By federal law, we must filter access. However, the law has different scopes. For example, the filtering that we must do for students is different than the filtering that must be...


One of the issues that comes up frequently is the issue of copyright (see the September 10th post). One of the areas that copyright has made the news is in music. Frequently, I get requests to open sites that are dedicated to music. Music can be powerful in education....