Technology Department News


Grant Announcement

Grant Announcement Wireless/Mobile Pilot Programs Wanted Educators in Wayne RESA public school districts – this is an opportunity to experiment with and demonstrate the value of wireless/mobile technology for students and educators. Community Telecommunications...

Snow Day Communication

Yesterday was our first Snow Day of the year. As some of you are very aware, we experienced some issues with our phone out system. Please be aware that we use multiple systems to communicate crucial information to staff and students: News outlets are informed (this...

Free Opportunities

Some of these may be a bit of a drive 🙂 , but some are nearby. EdCampOAISD ~ *Free*   February 23 ~ A day of connecting, learning, collaborating, and networking for all educators! Follow @edcampoaisd on Twitter! Blended Learning in the Classroom online course ~...

SBAC Opportunity

The SBAC is developing an online digital library that will offer professional development related to the balanced assessment system.  The MDE seeks to recruit 75 to 90 Michigan educators to become a network of educators that will recommend resources for the digital...

Digital Learning Day

Dearborn Public Schools is proud to participate in the Digital Learning Day for 2013! Every day we provide digital opportunities to our community. We will also be encouraging individual teachers to sign up and participate. Teachers can celebrate Digital Learning Day...

MI-STAR connections

MI-STAR is constantly being updated. This comes from RESA. Several teachers have had some issues connecting from home. In doing some trouble-shooting, a "quick fix" is to update your browser. FireFox 18 is compatible with the MI-STAR site.  

Email Certificate

You may see an Email certificate warning on email. The warning will note that our certificate has expired. Action to take: If on Outlook, click "Yes" to the question "Do you want to proceed?" If on the web version, click on "Continue to the website (not recommended)"...

Hanging Out at Salina Intermediate School

Chris K. and I are hanging out at Salina Intermediate School. The great staff here has had some terrific questions. We've had the opportunity to share some tips, tricks, strategies and more. Inserting a Video from YouTube into iLearn. Promethean Basics. Setting up...

Open Source Software

The Technology Department is constantly looking at ways to be fiscally prudent, future proof and modeling best practice. Part of our model of doing that is to implement open source software where appropriate. Here are some of the open source software pieces we've...

Text on your Desktop

We are currently working on switching over our virus protection systems. This can impact you. We are uninstalling the old system and installing the new system. At the same time, we are working on our inventory system. We are working to automate as much of the process...